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Everything posted by Guzam

  1. Unfortunately, I won't be able to recruit dmetri until tomorrow, but yes, I absolutely will recruit him, so please keep him there. And with that, it's time for the closing of this thread. We had a good selection of Corrins put in here, but now it's time for the real journey to begin. Get ready friends. First mission will hopefully go up tonight.
  2. Ronan has been recruited. Joseph is being recruited as we speak.
  3. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22147&page=4 I'm giving all of you about 2 to 3 hours or so to submit any last minute Corrins you want in the run. Go nuts.
  4. That was the pretty much the plan for the first few chapters @Chase. Also I've already come up with a plan for chapter 15. Prepare to see a Corrin solo a map on its own. ALSO IT'S TIME FOR THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! I will be closing this thread in about 2 to 3 hours. I will accept any last minute Corrins, but once this thread is locked, it's locked and I will not accept your Corrin. With all of this said though, it means those of you who have been recruited can get hyped to see your Corrin in action. I don't actually have a whole lot else to say. Get in any last minute Corrins if you want them in and get hyped.
  5. [17:46:26] +Senator Pyrrhon: There was a time when I said I'd beat lunatic endgame without rescue+pass and without anyone dying some day [17:46:32] +Senator Pyrrhon: That day was today

  6. I mean, I could definitely do it without them, but it would take about 4/6 vulneraries and using either hunter or one of the DLC Corrins. To save myself the trouble, I will be using them, but I'll use them as minimally as possible in the chapter they are obtained in.
  7. I'm right at chapter 7, so this run starts there. As for who I'm going to use in it, it's going to be me and Ikaru, mostly because Ika was the first to sign up -
  8. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22147&page=4#entry553987 I know have (hopefully) every corrin listed in this thread recruited. There's still 3 days left to join if you want in.
  9. Alright, thanks mael, i'll pick her up now Edit: Done. Noice Edit 2: I have now recruited Grima's Ninja. P sure I've gotten everyone who has registered a Corrin up til this point. Thanks for all the support guys, can't wait to start this run.
  10. I swear to fukcing god

    1. Maelstrom


      No. You should swear AT god.

  11. This coming from the guy who preaches the Chinese leak like it's the holy bible :Kappa:
  12. Quick question, are you a Dark Knight or Dark Mage? Because I'm not accepting any promoted classes, sorry. Make sure to read the rules in the OP over what I'm looking for. Although I guess I could recruit you around late game if necessary.
  13. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22147 4 more days until recruitments end folks. Get in while you still can.
    1. Commander


      You better not get me killed

    2. InnocentSerenity


      Have fun getting everyone killed.

  14. OP is being updated rn. All Corrins so far have been obtained. Thank you guys so much for the support, it really means a lot that a run as simple as this can get so much support. Keep on keeping on guys. We've still got 4 days left until the run starts.
  15. >It’s thunderblunder777 >I am so happy >He whispers into my ear “This is what you get for using fat shit.”

  16. >7 steps >Broke ass stats Jesus christ what a decision. Just give him one of each and call it a day imo.
  17. I guess I'll post this now too while I can, but you guys can leave suggestions on what you want to be promoted to as well. I'll leave you as whatever you suggest at games end. Also, I'll likely start chronicling this run once recruitments end. How I'll do so, I'm not quite sure yet because I don't have a capture card. I'll probably either start a general thread for these Corrin runs or I'll post it all in the main discussion thread. Again, still figuring it out, but this is probably going to be the most fun I've had with the game since day 1. Can't wait to start it.
  18. I've never used either class actually. Doesn't Ono savage promote into blacksmith though? Lance breaker could be useful. But if you go vanguard, you could make your unique class Oni Savage so I can change your class if I do feel like it.
  19. So, I guess I should've mentioned it in the OP as well instead of assuming, but DLC classes are allowed as well if you can provide them yourself. I will only accept one of each though if anyone else does end up wanting to use another DLC class. Commander has been added as well now.
  20. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22147 That gives us 9 different Corrins so far. Soon to be 11 after I recruit Murdoc and Sheep. Come get in on this and join the fun if you can.
    1. Aurorix


      Just let me live longer and be stronger than the other Samurai. I have a reputation to keep! :3

  21. HOLY COW! Thanks so much guys for giving me more and more Corrins to Brutally lose on the first two chapters use throughout this run. A few notes now. @Mael I went to your castle and you weren't a fighter. I'd assume this is because you haven't updated it yet, but that's fine, I can get another heart seal from visiting castles like you did. @Chase you are correct in assuming there will be no skill grinding. That's only because I want a challenging, but still fun run of the game, but again it's all personal preference Now, onto the other news. Both of my samurai slots have been filled. We are yet to have any: The Nohrian classes seem to be pretty popular amongst you guys. I like it. Also, muh Kamui Male Corrins got it bad tbh. Keep submitting those Corrins everyone. OP will be updated over this next minute or two, but the only person I don't have rn is Murdoc because I need to wait to visit his again. This is looking like a wonderful group though. This should be fun.
  22. So some of you have now noted that I have not listed any rules on stat modifiers at all. I guess I should elaborate on that then. I am fine with you using stat boosters so long as it's in moderation, now, what do I mean by that? I'd say about 2-3 max and no more than 2 used in any one stat. Example. I'm fine with you using a dracoshield or boots, but using more than one is where I'd consider it slightly overkill. That's personal preference though, aside from that, it is ok to use some stat boosters if you guys feel like it.
  23. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22147#entry552519 Ikaru is the first to join the roster. Make sure to submit your Corrins before it's too late guys.
    1. Maelstrom


      I guess I'll make a new file and join later but right now I have homework to do and rent money to turn in. So maybe later today.

    2. Joker


      Submit DEEZ NUTS Pyrr

  24. Thanks for all the support guys. Time for me to drop my Corrin into the mix. Name: Pyrr Boon/Bane: +Spd/-Luk Unique Class: Mercenary Castle Address: 08995-98446-02695-29321 He is currently in my castle and will stay there for about a week. Any time he is needed after the 6th he will likely be leveled up... Also he got really shitty strength in his first 9 levels so have fun with that : ^) Edit: OP has been updated with all recruitments.
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