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Everything posted by Guzam

  1. http://prnt.sc/bxv9sm Proof azery is a shit
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swampellow


      i believe it

    3. Sutoratosu


      I don't know man... the law of the internet says "Pics or it didn't happen" and all, but... these look a bit iffy to me

    4. DW~


      These look accurate imo

  2. Hey, you made it past chapter 10 on hard though! That's more than some others can say so good work. I can understand why you'd quit on chapter 12 as well. That map forces you to rush in a game where camping is much less likely to get you killed. Not to mention the ungodly amount of pots combined with the enemy storm at the end. Brutal. Anyway, finally got back to my 3rd lunatic run and I've hit chapter 20, again. It never gets easier. I could just ride the winds to Fuga and call it a day, but the chests have really good things in them, so idk what I want to do tbh. This chapter is always the roadblock one for me, because after this one it's basically a straight shot up to the endgame usually, no more gimmicks like wind after this. That said, fuck wind. Hate this gimmick. It encourages you to rush, but that's not going to work against the GODLY FUCKING KINSHI KNIGHTS. Let's go over the enemies in this chapter real quick and why they are annoying on this map. I hate this map.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swampellow


      wow bro, thats insane, wonder what the meta is gonna be like with it.

    3. Red_Chaos
    4. Hexagoen


      #googlecheckedit nice try.

  4. 1111 post hype

  5. Album one is easy. A Night at the Opera (Jazz is my second fav). As for my favorite songs, Bohemian Rhapsody, Don't Stop Me Now, Love of my Life, Bicycle Race, We are the Champions, Flash's Theme, '39, Another One Bites the Dust and Killer Queen. Queen was pretty cool. Freddie Mercury was a real lord though. Too bad he left the show early... </3
  6. Yo, about to get that 1111 post. get hyped

  7. So, here is the set that never was, the set i wanted to throw on my team for shits and giggles before i realized, hey now, that's probably not a good idea. Look at it and bask in its glorious stupidity! Sawsbuck-Summer @ Choice Specs Ability: Serene Grace EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Seed Flare - Boomburst - Shadow Ball - Thunder Wave Yes, you are seeing that correctly. This is choice specs serene grace seed flare sawsbuck, aka, 80% chance to drop your sp def sharply. This thing is packing som serious heat with a whopping 240 special attack, holy shit! what a great mon amirite?!? Just look at this and be wowed 252+ SpA Choice Specs Sawsbuck Boomburst vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Crobat: 277-327 (74.2 - 87.6%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock Incredible. The only reasonable check to seed flare cannot even come in safely on it : ^)... Of course rocks will be up, don't kid yourself. pffft, what do you think I am? An idiot? 252+ SpA Choice Specs Sawsbuck Boomburst vs. 240 HP / 0 SpD Tentacruel: 196-232 (54.2 - 64.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery Look at him straight up murdering tentacruels out here. There is 0 way to beat this thing, truly. So now you may be wondering why I didn't use it. Simple. This kind of power cannot be used on the unsuspecting. It would be a war crime to say the least. What a wonderful week this was omfl.
  8. tfw you look at latest visitors and see Ame *sweats internally**

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Ame doesn't matter don't worry

    2. ShadowStar
    3. Amethyst


      I'm always watching...

  9. Dang, I've been here longer than you?!? Holy shit! Anyway, cool that you mentioned me because I think you're a really cool guy too and a fantastic battler... at least when you aren't choking. Jokes aside, you're a fun guy to be around and battle. Here's to many more good years and good times.
  10. Alright, I'm not going to get on you for most of this, after all it's basically all opinion, except for one point. First person that comes to mind is Benny who is far from any of the 4 types listed above. Others include the ham lord Arthur, Leo, Xander, Keaton, Izana, Flora and basically every child character. I also happen to enjoy the hoshidan royals more in conquest's route as well (with Conquest Takumi being easily my favorite character), but that's just me. Anyway, time for my own opinion on difficulty compared to others. Conquest Hard<Awakening Lunatic<Conquest Lunatic<Thracia 776<Awakening Lunatic+ Awakening was so much worse and unfair with its map design and enemies with cheated weapons not to mention the aegis/pavise+ Hawkeye, Vantage+, pass and Counter rng skills in Lunatic+. Conquest Lunatic does not throw any broken OP skills at you until chapters 25-endgame as opposed to Awakening's highest difficulty doing it right off the bat. You are able to beat everything in this game with the bare minimum you have available to you (I beat lunatic no grinding whatsoever). I'm going to be honest with you here now too. If you do not enjoy playing the game on hard mode, why bother playing on hard mode? Play it on a difficulty you'll enjoy it at, you don't have to put yourself through countless resets if you don't want to. Just play where you're comfortable and enjoy it, and that goes for all FE games. Just have fun.
  11. The story wasn't even great to start keepo. I'll give you one thing, Hoshido has much better characters at least imo. The difficulty was just way too easy for me though, but that's fine too because it doesn't advertise itself as the hard one. Saying the difficulty is better than conquest though? I won't get on you for that, that's your opinion. I will say however that Conquest is much less forgiving, but never unfair (at least in hard mode). Everything is set up in a way that you can complete a chapter unscathed, you just really need to think your moves through in advance otherwise you will be punished. Hard mode gives some leeway for how many mistakes you can make and which you can make, but it will punish you for ones that birthright may not have hurt you for. That doesn't make it unfair. What is unfair is RNG in general, but that can't be used as an argument for conquest being hard. Rng is a part of every fire emblem, if you have bad luck that isn't the games fault. Still think revelations is the worst though :V
  12. Fuck, you people aren't even being vague anymore, take it somewhere else or leave it in one PM or big chat or something.

    1. diana


      ayy lmao our timing

    2. Neo


      I wasn't even tryin' to be vague, I just know how the rules work

  13. Hey, so, because I'm packing so much heat, I needed to know if you could build around this:
  14. Nyx is just such a fucking bad unit >O<

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jacobliterator


      Yeeeeaaaah Nyx is pretty bad.

    3. Amethyst


      hard. and niles. though it's not like i kept them together most of the time. but she like destroyed everything for me between lightning and excalibur.

    4. Cobalt996


      She has use in Conq-L on 9 and 10, as well.

  15. I always use Camilla to take out Oboro and that's almost it. Afterwards, I have her either ferry units or get any remaining villages. Afterwards, I have her take out any fliers getting a bit too close to the exit. As for how i do it, It usually goes Silas to the right, Elise grabs top right village, odin/nyx snipes the bottom group turn 1, niles does the same, mozu moves right with silas, arthur and effie run to the central western wall, avatar and butler run to central east part. If you have Azura with you, you need to think really carefully about who you dance for. Dancing for niles allows you to chip at the bottom group again, dancing for butler allows you to hit the oni savages early, dancing for effie allows you to break wall early and dancing for odin can let you get the top left villagae early. This is all turn 1 btw. I usually move niles away from the ballista afterwards because ninjas suck, and i have him take a potshot at any nearly dead enemy. Just kill whatever you can this turn, and just set up your chokepoints except for the top left. That should be left to Selena and or beruka. Once you get Camilla, have her kill anyone troubling the central area and bam. from there, just clean up as much as you can before turn 7. If you're still getting swamped by turn 7, you aren't likely to win as there will just be too much to deal with. A lot of this will be rng, but that's basically a starting turns guide from me. Make sure everyone has vulnearies (or however it's spelled) because you'll likely need it. and remember, you don't need to hit every village. I only recommend getting the top left and right ones, but the other two are really good.
  16. I quit mons forever

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Guzam


      HA! GOTTEEM!

    3. Hexagoen


      So pyrr, why do you think thats the case, i mean pokemon is a pretty dynamic gaming platform. i mean i can help you decide on what oyu want to do as a pokemon play-

    4. Hexagoen


      d'ya think this is a fukken joke mate. Imma storm up t' ya like its normandy. fucken jokester cornawbble.

  17. Can you build around band TTar and mega garchomp plz? :3 tyvm even if you can't Importable:
  18. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-stabmons-64092 GG Ody. It was a fun match and it was fun to see what you had in store, but I've gotta bring home a win for Amazon.
  19. DEEZ NUTS! HA GOTTTTEEEEEM! I'd feel just fine because I don't like this. I was also hoping for questions more interesting than, "What's a dank may may?" Why are you so old? > Love stallbreaker Heatran. Magma storm is really fun to use and see work on annoying little shits that try to come in on heatran, especially chanseys that come in just to get taunted. My favorite offense breaker (assuming this means anything that can stop a sweep) is Unaware Quag because I love how effective the stupid looking thing is. Being able to dish out burns, toxic, recover and hit EQ's is nice.
  20. Let me clarify on this. Chapter 8 is definitely much harder in lunatic due to the overwhelming amount of units that come from the first two villages. More come out of those villages than the amount of characters you even have access to at this point. Not to mention the real trouble of the map comes from dealing with Flora's freeze staff and getting to the soldiers quick enough. Chapter 7 you can just camp it out and be fine, but chapter 8 forces you to rush which is why I think it's the harder one of the two. As for chapter 9, Yeah, this one may be easier tbh. You finally get Azura, have a reasonably sized army, and there's no incentive to rush through the chapter. Campy maps are usually the easiest and this is no exception. The only tough part imo is the middle boss room when it has the shrine priestess in higher difficulties and getting azura to safety. That's it really... Also taking out the boss without anyone dying, that can be pretty hard on higher difficulties because of the bonuses he gets on the throne. There's one other chapter I can think of that's pretty easy and it's chapter 11, and if you've seen the map before, you'll know why. Edit: On that campy maps are easy comment. Chapter 10 is an exception.

  22. This thing <333 I used it all the way until after valerie. It's pretty good in intense mode thanks to toxic spikes and acid spray support.
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