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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Guzam

  1. Thanks. As for what resources I'm using to find pokemon, I have the PBS files for Reborn open at all times so I can check which encounters are in which areas. If I'm ever not too sure which area is which though (for example some route 4 areas have different encounters, but share the same map name) I have RPGMakerXP on hand so I can check which map is which. I also run Cheat engine so I can run the game at 2x speed (I do know alt increases the speed, but I'm far more used to 2x speed rather than alts speed increase). Finally, after I've got everything set up and checked out, I Just run around a map until I either find what i want, or I find a high leveled pokemon. Once I find something high leveled, I use all that money I can't use to buy healing items (and money left over after buying a shit ton of balls of course) to buy repels and keep finding more and more high leveled pokemon. I do not use pokemon above the level cap though. Won't even common candy them. Reason is that if I catch a level 65 pokemon in an area where 55 is the cap, and they get moves at 65, and i lower them to 55, they've still got all those moves from being level 65. It's basically a reverse of the argument for why I don't use rare candies this run. While this can make it annoying to find pokemon, I have plenty of time, and usually have plenty of ways to tackle a situation without said pokemon. This is indeed the case, I will inevitably run into teams that have EVs where I don't. Fortunately for me though, There's no restriction set on myself for EV training (though if I'm being honest, the run probably could be beaten without it, it'd require even more luck than what's already needed though). As we approach the lategame, our options for good pokemon will stagnate, to the point where I won't need to change my team between each battle and will instead be rocking a more standard Reborn team of say, 8-12+ pokemon. Due to how high leveled everything in the late game is and how many great options I'll have available to me at that point when it comes to actually making a team that synergizes well with itself, and due to how easy Reborn makes it to EV train, this really won't be that big of an issue (at least for the lategame, the middle stretch though can get pretty weird as more and more things get EVs and my team changes from area to area). Next episode should be up soon (like, less than a day from when I post this (I'm only saying this so I'll feel obligated to do it)) Thanks for the replies.
  2. Better late than never amirite?

    Two whole months lmfao

  3. Don't ever ask me for anything again Here's your description: Kiki is up next, hopefully I don't take 2 months on this one too lmfao.
  4. Guys I did it, I finally fucking updated it again holy shit.


    1. NullCat


      Oh good job!!! 😘

  5. Holy shit, fucking finally, amirite? ?????????????? Below Part 12 will feature ZEL 2, Cal and Victoria 4. Until next time, bye.
  6. Amaria says after beating her in the Reshiram path, and I quote "Now go. I set you free. Both you and her. And if anything happens to me, Know that I will finally be at peace." No implication of ever wanting to see you again or get stronger at all. Bennett and Laura were a couple back when Reborn league was going on which is one of the few reasons why some believe the two will both be Elite 4 members. Not only that, a current popular theory going around is that, now that all the gemstones are back in their rightful owners hands, and those rightful owners all happen to be Elite 4 members (Anna definitely is, let's not kid ourselves here) those 5 will be in the elite. I say 5 because as we know, the Sapphire Bracelets plural means you've got two, and it just so happens they're in the possession of a couple. These factors have lead some people to believe the E4 will actually be the E5 and consist of El presumably after a change of heart upon seeing Solaris fall from grace, Anna, Heather and more likely than not, a double battle against Laura and Bennett together. As for the champ, still too fuzzy for me to say if there will even be one at all. We're sure as hell going to have a climatic final showdown with Lin, but I somehow doubt it'll be anywhere near the Elite 4/5's whereabouts. That said, I am inclined to believe we'll have champion battles akin to Sun and Moon where friends and foes from all throughout our journey come to try and take the spot from us. That or no one even tries and we just get to sit on our throne and look cool all day after completing the postgame.
  7. The highlight of the entire run thus far:


  8. Here it is, the highlight of the entire run thus far: You really should give this description a read if you have the time. Part 10 will feature Fern 3 and Cain 3. Until then, take care and stay tuned.
  9. Snap yep. This one is in: 


  10. When a gamer ????????????????????????? A thing Part 9 will be featuring one of the highlights of this run. Look forward to it.
  11. Alright alright alright


  12. solid oof Sample Text Part 8 soon(?) Idk, I've started up College so uploading schedule will be volatile. Next part will feature Aster+Eclipse 2 and Victoria 3, until then stay tuned and take care.
  13. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz PULSEgrowth stuff. Next part will feature Corey and maybe commentary if I think it turns out ok, since there's a few things that should be said about that battle that I don't want to pack into the description. Until then, stay tuned and take care.
  14. Florinia b like:


  15. Star Wars in Reborn :OOOO I don't like sand. Part 6 will feature the first Taka battle, and the double battle with Taka and ZEL. Until then, stay tuned and take care.
  16. Back at it again here at Krispy Kreme:


  17. Juuuuuuuuuuuuuust a little late on this one Only a little though. Video Description as usual Part 5 will feature Florinia. Stay tuned for that, and take care.
  19. This is a good post as it has quite a few questions some people usually asked me when I did my first attempt of a run like this. I'll start with the evolution question. Yes and no. Yes, I can use stones such as the fire stone, water stone or link stone to evolve pokemon, but no, I cannot use Rare Candies to level pokemon up. Any other methods of evolution that don't involve leveling up are fair game though. As for EV's, I can indeed still get EV's be it through battle or through item usage I've found that in some cases, while not always required, EVs make a lot of Reborn's later battles much easier to deal with. As for animations, I'll consider turning those on. The only reason I don't have them on right now is mostly due to not wanting them to take up even more time while I'm recording, as some of the boss fights can take upwards to 6 minutes per attempt already, and stretching that out to 7-8 minutes due to animation and then having to reset and record another attempt can stack up extra minutes off my time pretty quickly. I'll make an effort to start using them from here on in, but in the future when I get to some of the multi-stage battles like the mansion gauntlet, I will be turning them off for sure, for my sanity's sake.
  20. Sometimes it really do be that way:


  21. We out here gettin them almost double uploads (It's 1 AM where I'm at rn). As per usual, here's the description detailing events in the video Part 4 will see the PULSE and Fern be taken on. Until then, take care.
  22. Back at it again with the UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


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