1. No
2. Not too sure about this one. Only ones I'd say I'm even relatively close to are Jeri, DD and Zumi, but I'm not sure if they need to be promoted -
3. The Fouseytube mental breakdown (Calls himself the Tupac of YouTube)
4. Conservative last I checked.
5. RPG/Adventure
6. Comedy
7. This is a bit of a hard one. Azery cuz he's a fucking nerd.
8. Nope.
10. Favorite is Lunatone
11. I've got two chocolate labs named Hershey and Charlie.
12. does having a smoking hot bo- I nearly died typing that.
13. Coffee
14. Slightly, yes, but it's not my place to say it's wrong, after all it's a pretty subjective issue.
15. eeeeh. nah. Not at the moment at least... muh boi Jelly plz
16. It's hard to describe my favorite. You ever look at the sky as the sun is setting and look at the very middle where the dark part meets the orange sunset? That's where it is.
17. Boxers
18. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
19. Nope.
20. Nope to this one too.
21. I've only just gotten into anime recently. When through around 7/8 or so earlier this summer and I'm currently watching JJBA
22. Hell no.
23. Girls. Sorry guys, but you just wouldn't be able to h- I nearly died typing this one too.
24. Can I stay home? If so I'd stay home.
25. Breakfast. I love having bacon, toast, eggs, pancakes, etc. They're just a nice way to start off any day.
26. I look for someone who I can mess around with, but also have serious discussions with. My best friend who I've mentioned a lot elsewhere, who I call Bob when I talk about him here, is someone who always laughs at my jokes and I laugh at his even when we're both acting super dumb, but he also likes to talk about the future, the present and other topics such as history, quantum physics, human nature and space-time itself (these aren't jokes btw).
27. Someone who can grab the attention of many and get them all to work towards one goal, be it good or bad, so long as they can inspire hope or determination in a large group of people.
28. Nah.
29. DD No one really.
30. Smash Bros. and Pokemon.
31. This is also a hard one. I've never actually been in love tbh. I've liked someone before, sure, but I wouldn't consider that loving them. If I'm not willing to give up my life for them or sacrifice something dear to me for them, then I wouldn't consider it love.
32. I'd like to live in a home with lots and lots of rooms so that I could always have someplace to myself. If you're asking what kind of location, I'd say probably in a small town idk tbh.
33. Something indoors preferably. I also want to do something with numbers if I can (which is why my two main choices are a career in science or business).
34. OU
35. Mega Dunsparce. Guy needs some fucking love tbh </3
36. I don't play shit so probably none of them. Just jokes, but I don't really know tbh.
37. add more pokedolls plz tyvm.
38. Why 46 questions when you said 45 on Showdown?
39. Ummm... I'll always listen to you I guess. I'm not good at much else, but I always make sure to pay close attention to those who actually interact with me.
40. Fighting, Flying or Ice.
41. I'd say Bazaro, FraR, Quinn and Ody tbh. All three are pretty cool and interesting guys and have affected the way I have interacted with reborn majorly.
42. Pokemon Sun and Moon. Just watch, it's gonna flop soon after it comes out again and I'm gonna be sad :[ I really hope it's ok.
43. Garchomp, Lando-T, Rotom-W, Talonflame, Mega Scizor, Mega Lopunny, Clefable and Volcanion. Fuck those 8 in particular <3
44. rawr xD *nuzzles chu*
45. I'm not going to say it's wrong because I can't disprove any of it, but I don't really see the point in believing in anything like that. I do believe there is something super natural out there somewhere, but I'm not going to dedicate myself to something I can't prove is out there either.
46. Fuck you, that's why >:[ jk I saw ody, xiri and others doing it so I decided to as well.
Temporal Tower/Miracle Sea. The music in both areas is flawless and both were really fun to go through. Temporal Tower wins ever so slightly mostly due to atmosphere. Blizzard Island is a close third due to the music, holy cow.
I have 0 idea what you're talking about : ^)