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Everything posted by Guzam

  1. I want you to think back on this after we fight the grass leader. Not only do we have access to lots of fire types, but loads of flying types and lots of ice types too. There's no way this field can even make it as powerful as crawli either. "It weakens fire, ice, and flying" wouldn't even be enough to stop the decimation some mons would cause. Grass types either can't bulk a hit, or can't hit hard enough. I just see no way to the make the grass leader a threat in the late game. And this. Fire types would destroy the leader in this field, js. Even with the added speed, there'd be nearly 0 ways to OHKO any and all fire types. Not to mention the player also has access to grass/POISON types with chlorophyll as well. Chlorophyll works well on paper, but not in execution.
  2. Honestly, Imma guess the grass leader is next. Js tbh fr tho, but it would be extremely odd to fight the grass leader any later in the game at this point imo, because of we fight her later, she'll be a cakewalk for sure. I'm guessing she will be this episodes leader, or the nexts. Just a hunch based on how effective certain types are.
  3. If anyone can get in contact with eternallight for me, that would be swell.

    1. Maelstrom


      *lights the skitty-signal*

  4. Aldrich, Devourer of Gods = Albitch, Devourer of Assholes

    1. Combat


      He ate my Waifu, so I ended his Lifafu.

  5. Pennis and also dicke and balls

  6. Finishing recruitments it is. Afterwards, I'll start that Lunatic+ run

    1. krim


      Voted. I'm not willing to submit another to the torture that is Lunatic+.

    2. Ikaru


      voted bravely second because you've played too much fates lunatic

  7. When you're about to kill Deku and All-Might, but hear in the distance, "It's hiiiiigh noon."

  8. Little Mac's air game is simply unrivalled. He might as well come jammed pack with a bag of peanuts, a shitty chair, a crying baby and the inflight movie Jack & Jill 3: Return of Jaffar. Because if you meet Little Mac in the air, you are in for one hell of a ride.

    1. Garnet.


      ko punch in the air is my favorite thing to do in that game LOL

  9. Let's not be hasty here folks. Think before you speak, and keep a cool head.

  10. I have a bugs list too that i shall edit Bugs: Thanks for the game btw. Aside from the second point, the game is fun so far. Preety big one here, full on error occured in second rival battle. Switched espurr after using light screen. Game did not crash, kept going. Edit: Rival can't attack either. idk what it is causing it. EDIT IMPORTANT: It's caused by light screen
  11. It is the time of the day where all living beings located in said time zone must and should come to an end.

  12. Do you think AMA hype needs to stop? Also, why are you so obsessed with DEEZ NUTZ?
  13. I finally broke 3000 battles in smash 4. Only 7000 left to go

  14. \/ /\

    1. Garnet.


      please dont do this

  15. D a m n J a n i e l ! B a c k A t I t A g a i n W i t h T h e "Beta Testing Complete" H y p e !

    1. Azeria



      better get the hunting gear on boy. that beta testing completion is in the wild, waiting to be grabbed.

  16. Gen 6 introduced about 20+ abilities, most of which were exclusive to gen 6 mons only. I do not want this to be the case with gen 7. I realized I haven't given my thoughts on these mons in this thread either, so here's where I think they'll stand in the competitive scene as of what we know about them right now. Legendaries not included... yet. Again, these aren't final. As more info comes out, this post will be edited with my thoughts on the new pokemon revealed and evolutions if there are any for the ones detailed above.
  17. Streams over. Gotta fix my internet before i try something like that again

  18. Your memes aren't Daijoubu <3

    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      is that a good thing or a bad thing

      i dont speak weeaboo

    2. Samalet


      That's a bad thing. They're not daijoubu.

    3. Maelstrom


      Warui hito dayo.

  19. [06:09:30] PyrrπŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€: You came to the wonk neighborhood motherwonker

  20. plz visit my castle, I'm extremely lonely :[[[ 08995-98446-02695-29321

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      im sorry pyrr, but our princess is in another castle

    2. Cobalt996


      I might go if we're in the same region.

      (If I'm desperate)

      No, I said nothing what are you talking about?

    3. Cepheus


      I know that feel... it is pretty loneley in Germany... :'(

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