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Everything posted by Guzam

  1. Guzam


    "Ironic shitposting is still shitposting" ~Moot (Creator of 4Chan)
  2. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20985 Show your appreciation to your fellow Reborn community members here
  3. For the original thread, look no further than here (thanks Ark) So I was going about today as normal when I remembered a certain thread that had appeared on this very day last year, that being the member appreciation thread 2k15 edition (ty for making that Bibs). I feel quite a few new people have sprung up since the 2015 edition, so a thread like this was in order. The idea is the same as the last two threads, to show appreciation to your fellow Reborn friends and family. Same rules as all before: -No sarcasm unless it is clearly intended as a joke (Strikethrough is recommended for Sarcasm) -If someone compliments you, don't deny it. With that out of the way, here are some people I want to show some Appreciation to: Edit: how could I forget, my main mans:
  4. Wanted to post this set cause I was very proud of how it performed in battle today. Aerodactyl @ Aerodactylite Ability: Pressure EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Taunt - Protect - Rock Slide - Sky Drop Aerodactyl is a really cool pokemon to use, and I happened to know in particular what my opponent liked to use (That being follow me Blastoise) and so me and my crew went to work. We found out that if we Sky Drop a mon that used Follow me, our second pokemon could still taunt the opponents other pokemon if we initially targeted it, Basically making the follow me strat useless in a sense. This, paired up with taunters like Cobalion and Tornadus and then an immediate switch to Cradily, would remove most threats to Aero and a fast team weak to water and TR in an instant. I would post the rest of the team since they all worked so well together, but they all have very basic sets so I'm not going to do that.
  5. Good on you then. Guess I'll use this as an opportunity to tell everyone to double or triple check teams with themselves and others before they go into battle so that things like this don't happen with remaining challenges.
  6. I mean, it doesn't really matter considering Nhadala won anyway.
  7. P sure this should be put somewhere since no one has mentioned it, but: "Edit @ 14:32: It has been confirmed that Pokémon Sun & Moon will be featured on Nintendo Treehouse Live @ E3 on June 14th 2016 which feature new information and developer stories, while Pokémon GO will have a Q&A on June 15th 2016 and an E3 2016 Pokémon Special on June 16th 2016." -Serebii
  8. You better calm down Cory.

    1. Sparky


      Cory in the house for best anime

  9. Finally back from my vacation aka no wifi hell : ^)

  10. HEAR THIS! The next time I show up, will be the last! If he's anywhere here, and you haven't told me... I will drag this entire world into the depths!

    1. Guzam


      He's wanted me dead since the beginning...

  11. It's so quiet. He's gonna come in here any second now, and when he does, the loudest music you have ever heard in your life is gonna play. The sheer volume will destroy any speaker, any set of headphones. They will rupture and explode. And this horrible reality is approaching us, and I'll be right here, at ground zero.

  12. LMFAO BAZ GET REKT, gotta edit or delete your post now, feels bad man.
  13. I swear to God, Quinn, You fucking mad man LMAO [19:33:37] • +RBRN Azery sec cough sex
  14. [19:33:37] • +RBRN Azery sec cough sex [19:33:38] +RBRN Azery: .
  15. バスツアー Aesthetic shit スツ thats モール some Aesthetic バス shit right モールモ...

    1. Yoshio


      v a p o r w a v e 4 2 0

      i n h a l e t h e v a p o r w a v e

  16. Everyone go to my post on nations week 3 challenge thread if you want to see the official tier list

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20929&page=#entry516846 direct link to the post. Plop it in your address bar and it'll take you directly to it. ((so long as you don't scroll etc... while the page loading.))
  17. This is the official list accounting for the bans of smeargle and ubers. Have fun sifting through it I guess. Edit: and the unreleased mons like Floette-E Official list:
  18. MORE CRAPPY ONES GO! No one ever said i had to fuse fully evolved mons right? Here comes Diglett+Shedinja Will edit soon for the Sunkern+Snorunt fusion.
  19. Making shitty fusion mons is fun, thanks baz <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guzam


      he's making a pun. Slow choke, Choke, slow, strangulation and losing oxygen very slowly being cruel. What's not to get there?

    3. pbood2


      sigh.. my bad. I'm not good with puns nor did I notice he meant actual slow choking of someone.

    4. Ironbound
  20. Butterfree and Beedrill and then Farfetch'd and Delibird because why not amirite? Not going to go into much detail, just the stats department like you did. Idk, maybe if i'm not tired I'll post more fusions of shitty mons like these guys here. Until then, bye.
  21. tfw power ranked and not upset B]

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