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Everything posted by Guzam

  1. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20217 Holy shit I finally pumped out the lunatic conquest chapter 10 guide.
  2. The Conquest of Chapter 10 This chapter on Lunatic is a doozy and oh boy. It's gonna take a while to write this one (in fact about two Edit: three days : P). Without further ado though, here ya go guys.
  3. [21:48:05] +Haven Pyrrhon: On all levels except physical, I am garlic bread

  4. Fill in the Blank: I like to put _______ in my fridge

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      I like to put onion rings in my fridge

    3. Spineblade


      46 litres of semi-skimmed milk.

    4. Shamitako
  5. Bidou huh? Looks like M2K is gonna have to pay another visit to the doc >u>. "Who needs hands with techs like these?" "It's practically the wavedash of Smash 4" "Ow the edge."
  6. Happy birthday, to you, Kiozo. You're such a wonderful person and I'll never forget how amazing you made Reborn for me starting out when you decided to pit me up against others in Survival Reborn. You're a great guy and I hope life just keeps on getting better for you. -With warm regards, Pyrrhon
  7. Chapter 9 guide is up.... Join me next time as I write a guide on Lunatic Conquest Chapter 10 which is already sort of infamous for difficulty: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20217

  8. Man, is it just me, or is Conquest chapter 10 just really freaking easy after you've beaten it on Lunatic?

    1. Guzam


      For those who are wondering I'm playing it on Lunatic again for guide purposes. Chapter 9 should be up tonight by like... midnight.

    2. krim


      I just beat it on Lunatic. It actually isn't so bad when you have based Haitaka to rally your defense. (Just have to be careful it doesn't make it go too high though, since enemies will ignore you.) Paladin!Jakob and Silas work wonders for chokepointing the middle section with it.

  9. I can't really say much on Bayo. To me she's just a pay to win character like Cloud, so I don't really use her that often and I don't really like fighting her, but I can understand why people like her and don't want her nerfed. She isn't too terribly OP, but she is not weak at all. I'll just stick to my original 48 + Roy & Lucas tyvm
  10. I just think everyone's a monster whether they like it or not. Everybody's got that one thing about them, whether it's minor or major that makes them a bad person. Nobody is perfect and it shows in human nature. People can be jealous, assholes, creeps, murderers, etc. and this goes for absolutely everyone alive. You can't think your perfect because you aren't all of these things either. Humans have twisted thoughts too, weird things about them that you cannot avoid. That said however, I simply believe it's best to try and be the nicest monster possible. Everyone is a monster, but that doesn't mean you have to be a bad one. Keep that monster locked away, or reveal it, just don't let it get in the way of what makes you a great person. I'm not a nice person all the time, in fact I really hate people, but I know people by their actions and know when to stop, or care. I'm also prone to over-reacting a lot, but I think this helps me in some situations. Try to see the best in things most of the time. Be a better monster than the rest.
  11. New chapter guide for lunatic conquest is out :V

  12. Conquest Lunatic: Chapters 6 & 7 This post will include Lunatic Conquest Chapter 6 and 7. It will be edited later to include chapters 8 and 9 as well. Let's get right into it shall we? Chapter 8 guide in here: Hey look a Paralogue 1 guide :VVV Finally, chapter 9. Next post will contain chapter 10 and 10 only as it's an extremely ummm... "Popular" chapter.
  13. I've found out the fixed growth thing is actually not true. I've been playing through again and have had to play through another chapter where I've lost once and Arthur got a different level up. On his first he got HP, STR, SPD and DEF. On his second on my retry, he killed a different enemy and got HP, STR, SPD, SKL, and RES. So it isn't entirely fixed and idk what causes this change. Edit: Will update with Chapter 6 and maybe 7 when I get back home.
  14. Boo Camp is useless in Conquest too as far as I can tell. If I can beat Lunatic without exp grinding, many people can too... If they save those fucking rescue and silence staffs
  15. And I'm now working on Lunatic Guides for Fates, starting with the only one I've beaten so far, CONQUEST

  16. So I've been thinking about it and I'm just going to be creating this guide now rather than later. This will be a sort of helper tool for anyone playing through Fates in Lunatic Mode, more specifically Conquest atm as it's the only one I've beaten on Lunatic so far. These guides will be done assuming the player does not have DLC (Aside from Before Awakening of course) and is not grinding off of invasions in the Hoshido/Revalations route. A quick note is the Avatar. In a Lunatic run, your best bet for boons are Speed, Strength/Magic or Defense/Resistance as luck, skill and HP won't be needed a whole lot as the avatar has decent growths in them anyway. Before we do anything else, I must let you guys know that there will be spoilers here. I'll likely be posting 1-2 chapter "guides" every 1-2 days. For now though, this opening post will be here to guide you through chapters 1-5 and some tips in general. I'll start with the tips. 1. Pair Up+Separate=+1 Movement If you need to get somewhere with a unit or two of them really really quickly, this is the way to go about doing it. This is very basic and even someone who just picked up the game could do it easily. What you do is you pair up one unit with another unit, preferably one with high movement or one that is close to the destination. Move as far as you need to with that unit, switch to the one with lower movement and then separate. This puts one character ahead an extra space by turns end which works really well if you need to get to a unit in danger quickly. Separate is also a very useful tool when it comes to dealing damage quick and creating chokepoints. If you're in an area that can only be accessed from one side with a small opening of two spaces, it may be a good idea to create a chokepoint by separating. Of course though, this is going to bring me into another point. 2. Pair Ups, Dual Strikes and Chokepoints Let's get one thing settled here first. Make sure you know which character is marrying who and why. In Lunatic mode, you cannot just S-support some units because you want to. You need to S-support some for better skills, stats and classes on all units involved. Pair ups are better for more than just building up supports though. After five attacks in any combat whatsoever involving two paired up units you will get a free dual guard which guarantees you'll take no damage in one attack of combat. This is your best friend when fighting bosses, hoards of enemies or just tough enemies in general. While pair up is great, the only real drawback to it is that if you're paired up, your partner won't be dealing extra damage meaning if all units on a map are paired up, you effectively get half the attacks you would be getting without pair ups. This is where separation and dual strikes come in. Keeping some units solo and separating at points in a map is a good thing. It means you get more attacks in a turn which may be what you need to kill that one last enemy that has the potential of killing someone. While separated, you're more vulnerable, but if standing next to an ally, both units will strike the enemy. This works really well for thinning hoards of enemies. One thing you need to remember is that enemies will use these tactics against you too, so it's in your best interest to always be on the lookout. Finally Chokepoints. Make sure you abuse these things whenever you can. Keeping large groups of enemies away from your main group is one of the best things you can do in Lunatic mode as it lowers your risk of death by a lot. The best units to put at a chokepoint are paired up, high supported units with either high defense, high resistance or both. Having a weapon with 1-2 range can also help as well. Onto tip 3. 3. Skills and My Castle Now I know what you're thinking. "What if I don't want to use my castle to get cheap skills at a low price." Don't worry, the game is still possible without it, just slightly harder. This doesn't mean you can't use the My Castle feature at all though. Being able to rack up battle points and visit points allows you to get weapons, stat booster and more which could easily turn a battle to your favor. My Castle also features a wide variety of places that can help you out on and off the field. There's a place to build supports, you can grind supports in castle battles, you can win prizes at the lottery shop, you can take prisoners, get meals, buy seals and buy weapons and staffs and stat boosters. You can also forge weapons and build stat raising statues so it's in your best interest to think about your castle every now and again too. Some skills I'm going to recommend real quickly for anyway going through lunatic are: Rally Strength/Speed/Defense/Resistance/Magic, Shuriken/Bow/Sword/Tome/Axe/Lance-Breaker, Quixotic, Lifetaker, Rend Heaven, Sol, Luna, Astra, Beastbane, Renewal, Even/Odd skills, Sword/Axe/Lance/Bow/Shuriken/Tome-Faire, and seal skills. These can all help a player immensely on any run through the game and it's important to study up on what classes get what skills, something I'll be going further into as we get into characters that change into said classes. That's all of the main tips for now. More may be added in the future, but for now, here's a guide for chapters 1-5... mostly 2-5. Expect more either later today or tomorrow.
  17. I did it. I beat Lunatic Conquest

    1. biboo195


      RIP Percy. Who was his mother ?

  19. So after a couple attempts, some much needed support grinding, and finishing the last of the paralogues, I beat chapter 26, and let me tell you now, If anyone says lunatic chapter 25 is harder than lunatic chapter 26, THEY ARE LYING.

    1. Epic C

      Epic C



    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Is there a reason for that?

    2. Eternal Edge
    3. Commander


      He just got rekt by a lobster

  22. So I have finally beaten chapter 24 which has awesome music and a great map and a mechanic I love and hate at the same time. FUCK THIS GAME I HATE IT SO MUCH RN Edit: So... I beat chapter 25 and it lived up to the fucking hype and well... I actually would've beaten it first try had it not been for friGGIN BULLSHIT CRITICAL HITS AT THE END OF THE MAP. Some words of advice for Lunatic runs
  23. I don't know if some of these have been posted and I don't care if they have, here's some of my favorites.
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