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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Guzam


    1. Ikaru


      you did it

    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~
    3. Maelstrom


      good job, shinji, you did it.

  2. Getting really excited to see chapters 23 and 25 now. Anyway, I've been grinding supports and doing more paralogues again and will soon update this post on chapter 22 and maybe paralogue 17/18, but first an intermission of sorts with my thoughts on some paralogues and some of the units I have. Thoughts on Chapter 22 will be up when I beat it tonight. Edit: Chapter 22 beat, thoughts inside: Also chapter 23 has me like: "rip" Edit 2: tfw you beat chapter 23
  3. I'm so upset that Shulk and Jigglypuff didn't get buffs, but I'm happy that Zelda and Samus are better now. Top tier nerfs are ok tbh, but I'd rather have every character be top tier rather than bring top tier to mid tier.
  4. Good night reborn. Good night house. Good night family. Good night street. Good night moon. *Heads to sleep as urban violence ensues*

    1. Flux


      Good night urban violence.

  5. When you're Bizzaro flame and hit Shing with that Up-tilt >u>

  6. Have a new squad ready. If I'm out of freebies PM me Dash and I'll hand over them rupees. Same sprite and theme
  7. WOAHG WAIT 11111 profile views hit gg

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      does everyone have more profile views then me? :[

    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      still aren't at 100k like Kam


    3. Guzam


      Kam is a fooking booster and everyone here at Reborn knows this.

  8. Chapter 20 on Lunatic Conquest is down. Let's get it going

  9. Alright so I finally beat chapter 20 on Lunatic and my god I made this much harder than it needed to be. Thoughts here: Can't wait for chapter 21 Edit: So I just beat chapter 21 and it's probably one of the easiest missions if you do it the ez mode way. Here's how I did it.
  10. Waiter? There seems to be a meme in my soup!

    1. Cowtao


      At least it wasn't a cow.

  11. Chapter 19 on Lunatic mode of Conquest is pure shit

    1. Personthing


      Whoever thought of the map gimmick of all of the Fox people having pass and a good chunk of them being unable to be targeted until they attack the player is a massive jerk.

  12. So I guess I'll just talk about the rest of the Lunatic chapters as I go about them in the final stretch. First off, let me say chapter 18 is a cakewalk so long as you know what you're doing and you manage your army well. Chapter 19 though... OH FUCKING BOY THIS CHAPTER.
  13. So I just beat Chapter 17 in Conquest on Lunatic, and let me tell you, that chapter is hell in a bottle. One wrong move and suddenly you're dead. My overall thoughts on it are here.
  14. When you get the hard reads.

    1. Ikaru


      reads so hard they may as well be visions

    2. Pocky


      read like the hungry caterpillar.

    3. Flux
  15. So I'm playing conquest lunatic mode and I've hit chapter 12 and I'm wondering if I should promote anyone. Current units I'm thinking of promoting are: Elise, Effie, Arthur, Niles, Laslow. What do?

    1. Commander


      Elise, Effie, and Niles are worth it. Arthur is going to depend on your team and I don't recommend Laslow. He's decent at support, but Kamui does what he does better.

  16. Thanks so much for all that you've done for me guys. Hopefully things will get even better than they are now.

    1. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      Here's hoping for a great year!

  17. Shoutout to Raymond for having the same Birthday as me. Hope yours is just as good as mine.
  18. So I finally beat chapter 10 after hours of work and let me tell you, it was not easy (especially because I missed a master seal because I was not risking anything for it at that point).
  19. I finally beat conquest chapter 10 on lunatic mode after around 6-7 hours worth of attempts. Also happy bday to me.

  20. I feel Kirby should be Lower Mid right between Lucas and Robin. He's definitely better than Lucina, Roy and Wii Fit Trainer imo. I also say Ganon should be Low tier mostly due to easy kill potential and shield breaking, but awful grab and recovery. Only character I feel should be moved down is Villager. Maybe it's just because I've never really seen a good villager ever, but he doesn't seem like High tier potential. I'd drop him to either High mid or Low High. Aside from that this looks pretty good. Nice work. Edit: Haha yeah Rosalina is such a cool character right guys? Hahahahaha... Ha...
  21. So I've been stuck on conquest chapter 10 lunatic mode for a good 3 hours or so and now have no idea where to go from here. lemme put this in a spoiler real quick

    1. Arkhi


      Woah, bro.

      Calm down.

    2. Sutoratosu


      Pffft. Try making it to 5,000 now.

  23. KO moves are super easy to land with roy. It doesn't even take a hard read, you could just use a tilt or a well timed D-Smash to catch a roll. Calling combos not useful is pretty weird too because smash 4 is all about getting good combos off when you can. And you think Lucina is underrated because? ding ding ding, she is not as good as other characters. The fact that she's just now getting buffs that give her the same power as pre-patch marth goes to show that Marth is definitely the better option in most, if not all, cases. Also edgeguarding can be pretty hard to do in smash 4. Going off stage to where your opponent is takes a lot of time, meaning they can easily react to it if they need to. Also her recovery is plenty predictable when you've really only got dolphin slash and a jump. Also I still don't think her KO power is better than Roys. With Roy you can throw out almost any move when at high percents and kill someone, but with Lucina you can't kill with a tilt, your only real kill option is F-smash, U-Smash and sometimes her D-smash. Only thing she has over Roy is shield breaker imo.
  24. Gotta disagree with you there. Roy still has a good recovery, earlier killing moves, less lag and doesn't have to Hit the tip on his moves to do massive damage, not to mention he has easy combos out of his throws. He certainly doesn't have the best off stage game though. imo Lucina is still the worst, but even then she isn't that bad she just lacks a whole lot of easy combos.
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