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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Guzam

  1. Lunatone, Solrock, Dusknoir, Slowking, Froslass, Milotic, Electivire, Magmortar, Jynx, Rotom (Only normal form), Tropius and Arbok
  2. Yo Azery, check out my new signature

  3. I finally beat Xenoblade Chronicles X and I'm no in the process of getting all 720 mons in Super Mystery Dungeon

    1. BIGJRA


      The last ~60 are for me so far brutal. good luck.

  4. The only thing I'm really expecting out of this is more megas and mons for ame to put into reborn through lots of time and effort : ^)
  5. Seeing Axel on a roll tonight really got me fired up.

    1. Sparky


      The Ax-Man was legit on a roll with his innovation.

  6. Finally beat Ancient Daedala cuz I'm good at video games

  7. tfe Ancient Daedala is a dick :[

  8. Shot through the heart, and you're to blame. You give love a bad name.

    1. Shad_


      *Cool guitar riff after this phrase*

  9. How did they even keep Amaria alive then... Anyway, I'd assume they were only down there for 1-2 weeks at most. No one could've possibly just survived that long down there unless they had brought supplies to begin with, unlike Titania. Titania may have had some food on her at the time, but she couldn't have had much.
  10. tfw Ame now has to add the new pokemon Magiana from scratch :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] jk nobody even knows its type or stats yet... Tho seeing this makes me think there will be more mons and... more megas... Shudder
  11. Things I liked in patch 1.1.4: ZSS got her OP kill move ever so slightly nerfed so that's cool I guess FE characters yay (Roy B]) None of my mains got nerfed Kirby now weighs more than Rosalina Bayonetta and Corrin are really fun to play with I don't have to worry about my replays anymore Things I didn't like in patch 1.1.4: Jigglypuff, Zelda, Palutena and Samus didn't get buffs This is literally the last patch so no more "balancing" rip If you haven't heard the game isn't going to receive patches anymore and Sakurai is going on a well-deserved vacation. Still working with Bayo and Corrin and will try to main bayo, but Corrin just doesn't suit my play style :[
  12. No.... Get me out of this meme hell
  13. will likely post theory tomorrow because holy cow there;s a lot to pick up on here. Not to mention I'm going to be analyzing nearly everything in kugearan >>

  14. sigh nvm. Can't stream on a shitty comp, so I'll try to find another way

  15. Get ready for a theory on Kanon and then the rejuv stream that I promised.

  16. This is interesting since I've been meaning to do a theory on the Blakeory's as well... moreso character analysis though. My next post will be detailing Kanon and friends though, so stay tuned for that.
  17. I guess you can say the new RWBY episode has HAND-ful of fun

  18. I guess you can say the new RWBY is episode has HAND-ful of fun

  19. Rejuv stream will have to be tomorrow. Not willing to stay up all night tonight

    1. ShadowStar


      I'll try to make it! :D

  20. Honestly if it came down to it, I'd rather be forgotten if it was just me or I left a good mark on history.... HOWEVER, if I had to leave a mark on history (an awful one), I'd rather be hated mostly so that I'd be remembered as an example of what not to repeat. If we forget history, we'll eventually repeat it, that's why we need to remember those we hate like say Hitler, Stalin, etc. If we forgot them, someone'd be bound to repeat what they did or would not learn from it. That's just my two cents though.
  21. Will likely be doing a rejuv v7 intense mode run later on twitch. Hope to see some people there :]

  22. tfw your parents really fucking hate your guts and you're just trying your best to piece everything back together.

    1. Maelstrom


      What did you do THIS time?

  23. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Hhhnnnnnnggggggggg

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