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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Guzam

  1. Rocking that 3 AM status. Chilling out. Just trying to- *Falls asleep mid-sent-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  2. You're in for a ba- Holly Jolly time...

  3. >Implying the Dragon or flying leader won't be high enough up to use mega mence I mean... wut?
  4. This match was 2 heat oml http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-37548 <------ Click here to find out what happens. It gets intense. You won't believe what his crawdaunt used. This is no clikb8 I sweer.
  5. Now I don't know much about this whole thing in Paris. All I know is that this was a coordinated attack on civilians and many were killed. That said however, it is definitely enough for EVERYONE to send their condolences. I'm really hoping this ends well, but this is already a bad enough ending as is.

    1. Hiroki Tatsumi

      Hiroki Tatsumi

      Hello Pyrrhon.

      So well, i'm bringing news from France. I would like this to be in a G Gardevoir Style, however this is too tragic to be so.

      So well, people were hanging in three places, a concert, a football meeting, and a restaurant. In the middle of the evening ~9pm some guys just blew themselves up in the concert, some guys just randomly shooted in the restaurant, and some sends "bombs" in the football encounter. They were hostages, but thanks to the policemen, there...


  7. We'll get five new mii costumes for everyone who won the ballot and jungle japes from Melee. You know, the one with the klaptrap
  8. 6 new characters more like: Also, Weegee mains always know when the misfire is coming. Always.
  9. If a new type of evolution for pokemon is announced, and more megas are announced alongside it, will Ame implement hell?

  10. So I saw Abbey's Jiggle puff. I use to main jigglypuff until I found Luigi, Kirby and Ganon. I've come back to Jigglypuff recently and love playing her. It's so fun to either A) Get a hard ass read and land a rest or B ) Hit all of the b-airs. So Hungrybox is in a jungle. And he has to fight a bear. So the question is... Who's B-air would win?
  11. Oh my lord that's right. I combo'd Darvs Ganon with Luigi and got it to 53% off of one down throw. Down-Throw -> D-air (Spike) -> N-air -> U-tilt -> Any aerial to finish. So many combos >u>
  12. Lol. I beat Darvs Little Mac with Samus and I play Kirby as well. I also just picked up Donkey Kong and have a pocket Shulk/Pac and Ganon. I've also got Toon Link, Jigglypuff, Villager and Duck Hunt. Maybe I just need to use more high tiers? I only play Rosalina and Luigi, and my Rosalina isn't too good. I could also pick up Palutena and ROB, but I'm basically juggling half of the roster. My plan, like Brawl, is to be able to play every character at a good to great level. I could literally pick up any character now and learn them, then use them. That's exactly what I did for Samus. Playing most characters in this game isn't too hard, in fact, I'd say playing high tiers like Pikachu, ZSS and Shiek is harder than playing low tier chars. One of the only exceptions is Luigi, who also just caught two nerfs. Pretty sure I don't need non top tiers when I could pick who I think is best and just roll with it.
  13. I've got a replay of me absolutely obliterating Darv's Ganon, but that's not saying too much. I'd go as far as to say that Darv is probably the best Little Mac player here, but idk, I haven't seen him and Godot fight yet. However, I'm p sure I'm not using Luigi against most little macs anymore. He can't handle them too well. I either need to use someone else or just learn the matchup better. I can attest to having a hype as hell game one, but neither of us saved the replay :[
  14. You know there's a reason I don't like much around the forums anymore. I feel like anything that happens will get you chastised, even if you follow the rules, someone will always call you out on it. Here I feel like I can either express my honest opinion on some things and be put down for it, or I can just hold it all in. Neither of these two options seem to help me. It also doesn't seem to help out others on this forum either. Yes I get there are some things you just can't do...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Commander


      There's big a difference between rejection and the fear of rejection. I feel many people here are open when you really get to know them, but not everyone agrees with everything. My friends and I may not see eye to eye with every topic, but we speak the truth not fearing what the other thinks. Fear is far stronger than the real thing.

    3. Maelstrom


      Is it everyone else or are you incapable of being wrong? You post an opinion, they post a counter opinion. And YOU are the victim?

    4. Maelstrom
  15. Going down, down in an earlier round.

  16. How bout that elevator?

  17. I only cook using the dankest ingridients. Now feast on the dank memes I have pepered

    1. Jacobliterator


      Ok, THAT line has to be in my game somewhere.

    2. Maelstrom


      what is 'pepered'?

  18. I just got a brand new lamborghini in my garage

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Flux


      I commented on the one you had before you changed it... >.>

    3. Flux


      Also, obligatory this:

    4. Skeleton


      and with only 47 lamborghinis in my lamborghini account

  19. I just got a brand new lamborghini

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      What about a Delorean?

    2. Flux


      Omfg lol, You have no idea how much I love this. This is why I wish we could upvote statuses.

  20. brb. gj Elliot, better luck next time Nick, Proud of you Helen, Venus stay golden... er well guess you can't really anymore.

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