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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Guzam

  1. #MakeRedemptionGreatAgain


  2. Hi. Some of you may remember this during the last couple of weeks. Even with the legends I don't plan on changing it. For a meme team, I feel it actually turned out really well.
  3. Could this be... an activity post???

  4. A very unfortunate series of events led to my victory. Rest in peace Hycrox, thanks to everyone who came out here today. Stay tuned for (hopefully) more theme tours.
  5. Guzam


  6. mrrrr Known as: Pyrr (Not to be confused with Pyrromanis, whom I refer to as Pyrro or GOAT) Age: 17 Gender: M Birthday: March 7th Location: You'd like to know, wouldn't you : P Height: 5'10" Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue Lives with: Parents, 3 siblings Pets: 2 chocolate labs Relationship status: Fuck Favourite Food: Those fucking wafer stick things mmmmmmmmmmm oh my god Favourite Drink: Diet Conk Favourite Color: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Favourite kind of Music: Rock for sure Favourite Band: Queen Favourite Album: Queen II is pretty good Favourite Song: Lots of video game soundtracks. Like, a shit ton of them. Favourite Game: Pikmin 2, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Xenoblade Chronicles, Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, Dark Souls, Smash 4 and Super Mario Galaxy 2 Favourite Genre of Game: Real-time Strategy Favourite Hobbies: This one should be rather obvious Favourite Movies: Anchorman, always. Favourite Shows: I'd list a lot of animes I'd watch, but if I had to limit it to one it would be Gurren Lagann no question. Community questions: So, who are you?: Some nerd who stumbled in three years ago acting like an idiot the whole time he's been here. Can't say I haven't been having fun though. I wouldn't say I've actually had a huge impact on this community like some people have, but I've been around for many events and have participated in most of them. Old League was not one of them unfort. Anyway, I came across this site after watching some of Nickaboo92's vids around 4 years back. I tried to hop onto the website and got gator'd. Jump a few months forward I finally figured out this place was on PO and so I downloaded that and just kind of spoke about the game. Now I don't do anything. Did I mention I was cringy as hell? Yeah. Almost as bad as Azery, but fuck, he's really fucking cringy, even still. Anything you're responsible for?: Not really? jk. I've been in countless reborn events including, but not limited to: Survivor Reborn, PRCL, Nations 1. I was a part of the staff of Nations 2, and I also helped kickstart the Redemption League alongside Baz and Dashingstorm and have stuck with it ever since, while also challenging it and even being one of its six champs in season 2. If you had to choose one of your posts as your way to introduce yourself, which would it be?: Any of my posts in the Wasteland What can I talk to you about?: Competitive mons, Vidya games, etc. Closing statements?: Fuck @Slothpremacy this guy is a wiener and I want everyone to know it jk Az you're an ok guy I'll also toss anyone in smash 4 or mons.
  7. you suck @Slothpremacy
  8. Don't act like you don't know wtf's going on. The rules of this tour are simple: -Games will be played in SM Doubles OU with the SM Doubles OU Banlist -No Z-moves or Mega Stones -You must have a pokemon with the ability Simple or the move Simple Beam It's simple, right? Tour will take place on Saturday, July 29th at 3 PM GMT (time subject to change still).
  9. hey. hey @Azeria you're active at the time I'm typing this so there's no excuse for what should've been done post tour not being done. smh. Congrats to @Anstane for their victory in the first theme tour in forever and a half.
  10. Activity

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      the sites been updated for half a year now and people still mistake the status bar for the search bar

    3. Anime
    4. Guzam


      This was no mistake @Tommy Wiseau

  11. Hmm... I guess it did just end up being another day.

  12. lel Set 2 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-90730 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-90729 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-90728 Set 1 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-89813 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-89809 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-89811 gratz @Hycrox
  13. Tried to play on tuesday, he said he wasn't ready, i've been busy since. I'll gladly play tomorrow at like, 2-5 EST if hycrox is up for it.
  14. S E S

    E    E

    S E S

  15. Roses are red Mons is a game I hate Rest in peace Jelly It's time for week eight Tournament Rules: -Smogon's Sun & Moon OverUsed banlist is in effect -The tournament is Double Elimination. After the first round there will be a winner's and loser's bracket. -Rounds are Best of 3 -Games are to be played on the Reborn showdown server. -You MUST save replays and post them in each week's thread. -Contact your opponent immediately and set up a time to play. Pairings: Grand Final's Bracket: Pyrrhon (From Winners) vs Hycrox (From Losers) Deadline for Round 8 is 11:59 PM Tuesday June 13 GMT-5.
  16. so i had that crappy rain team i made for a potential second run, but i'd rather test out my S3 squad.
  17. 🚫🛡🔒🐊🔒🛡🚫

  18. You know I had to do it to em (:[) http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-88721 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-88722 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-88723 ggs jelly, see you in GF maybe :thinking:
  19. Hi ok, so yes, I agree that this is stupid to have this be the default, but you can change this by going to options if you haven't yet. I have 0 idea as to why they decided to have smart end turned off by default in this game. If you already did change it, my b.
  20. I love eating sandwiches with peanut butter and @Jelly Sure would be great if I could find my @Jelly tho

    1. Guzam


      Friday at 11 am est if possible, if not then the same day, but at 4:30 pm est. If not then, then all of saturday.

    2. Jelly


      FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK MY DUDE finals got the best of me and ive been either drunk/high/hungover/somecombination of all of them for the past 2 days. im available today if that works for you, but if not then im free monday/tuesday after 5pm gmt -6 (i hve TO powers so im giving us an extension)

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