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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Guzam

  1. @Jelly when tf r u on, i never c u >:[
  2. Ah yes, I too am jumping on the i didn't pick 2 bandwagon. i didn't vote at all actually, whoops
  3. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-86984 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-86986 Won in 2 good games. ty hycrox.
  4. Beat Kamina. ggs guy. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-85618 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-85619 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-85854
  5. Fairy typing will unfortunately not be a thing.
  6. I'd prefer we get most of the 251 edited before we start making the teams for the leaders, as they will likely have more options by then.
  7. I'm not one to bore with long intros, so let's just get right into this. A PME is short for Pick My Edits. As this implies, I will be editing a Pokemon Gold rom with edits to things you guys suggest to me. This idea was inspired by Fire Emblem PMEs where players would edit characters or items in the game in order to have a new, or more enjoyable experience, and the goal here is largely the same. So, we can suggest edits for whatever we want right? Not so fast. I do have a few ground rules that need to be laid down. - A few mons have already been edited by yours truly with input from some of my companions in the redemption staff. Said mons include: Cyndaquil Line, Totodile Line, Sentret Line, Rattata Line, Pidgey Line, Dunsparce, Aipom, Miltank, Dratini Line, Larvitar Line, Celebi, Exeggcute Line, Voltorb Line and Tyrogue Line. These mons will be uneditable as they have already been edited. - I cannot change each mons sprite. Yet. This could change in the future if I find a tool that allows me to do so, but for now, expect to see some mons with weird names that don't entirely fit as the sprite has not changed. - All gym leaders will be keeping their type and will have full teams of 6. This does not mean they will keep their aces, but it would be nice if you guys kept their aces at least partly their gym leaders type. - All pokemon except single stage ones must keep the same BST. If you change, say, Magcargo, it needs to keep its same base stat total... However! In cases like magcargos where its BST has changed across generations, we will be using its gen 7 BST as a base. This goes for every single mon that has had a BST change. - I (unfortunately) cannot change moves overall base powers and pp. If there's a tool out there that allows that (For Gold/Silver in particular that is) I would be happy if anyone could point me towards that. - HMs (obviously) will not be edited. - Don't hog a large amount of mon edits to yourself in your first post. This is really just common courtesy, but I also know this is the internet so :/ That seems like a lot of things right? Well it's not very much compared to what you can edit: - Map suggestions. You know how you can go through Mt. Mortar before even fighting Morty? Let's just fill it with super high leveled trainers to prompt you to kindly get surf and not go through it early uwu. - TM edits. Ever get annoyed that mud-slap is a tm in gen 2? Let's just change it to Recover : ^) - Pokemon edits. You can make an edit to any pokemon that was not listed above. This includes their base stats, learned TMs/HMs, Types, level up learnset, evolution level/method, name, etc. - Trainer edits. This one will become easier to do as we get more and more pokemon suggestions. I expect you guys to get as creative in your edits as we did our first few edits. If you want an example of what you can do, allow me to provide you with one. Miltank -> MilTANK Normal -> Normal/Steel 95/80/105/40/70/100 -> 100/90/120/30/90/60 Gets Curse and Iron Tail in its level up movepool now. Consider that a preview too ;] Keep in mind that I will have to look over and accept your edits though. If I get multiple suggestions for what a mon should be edited to, we'll take votes on which one should be taken. Go nuts everybody! Edit: A sheet displaying what has, and hasn't been changed will be put up about 2-3 days from now.
  8. Soon(tm)


    (unrelated to redemption)

  9. won ggs http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-85101 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7ou-85102
  10. In response to this, Reborns tiers are whacky. The tier on reborn that corresponds to the gen 7 ou banlist as of rn is Pokebank OU on reborns server, but Gen 7 OU on the main showdown server. Just pointing this out so it doesn't get asked again maybe l8r on.
  11. it's a tentaquil

  12. To be fair, this was a group effort. Edit: @Bazaro ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. Alright, I'm feelin kind of good rn, so I'll help you out @Trevore
  14. On the contrary, when threats like scarf dugtrio, scarf chomp, scarf lando and other scarf pheros exist it's very important that you have speed on a mon like pheromosa, especially because the nature it has means it's going to be getting attack boosts and not speed boosts with each kill. Scarf also allows you to outspeed mega zam with a nature like naughty, and also allows you to outspeed things like +1 speed zard and +2 lando-T's that are adamant. In the same adamant boat as lando-t is excadrill, if it runs adamant in sand, scarf phero can outspeed and kill it, so scarf is a really good set on pheros that don't want speed boosts.
  15. "http://prnt.sc/ecby2l" ? Pretty sure this is super easy to beat tbh. Any of the porygon2's in this league + a move change token (or maybe not one if you already have it) = Ice beam + Tbolt + Toxic + Recover P2, something pretty capable of taking on that entire team. Mega meta also has quite the advantage against that team once mantine/gliscor/skarm or gone, all depending on your coverage. Alola-Ninetales can pick off anything not named chansey or P2 and also sets up veil to bulk any attacks oliver could even think of using. Garchomp, another common mon, can easily set up rocks, EQ the normal types, Fire blast skarm, rock slide mantine if it has that, or SD. Stall isn't an unbeatable, god-like strat. Plenty of the things being run in league can break through it, and anyone who's made it to the top likely has a move change token or too, making things even easier for them if they find out Olivers legendary. "Oh jeez, look at this scary team i just made!!!!!"
  16. LOOK 🚗🚗 THE FUCK🚙🚙🚙 OUT🚖🚖🚖🚕🚕🚕🚚🚚🚚🚚 IT'S🚓🚓🚒🚒🚒🚑🚑 CAR O'CLOCK🚏🚏🚏🚏🚏🚏🚏🚏BETTER CHECK🚏🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜BOTH SIDES🚚🚚🚚🚚🚜OF THE ROAD🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙B4 U CROSS🚛🚕🚕🚗🚗🚖🚖🚖🚚🚚OR YOU'LL GET HIT🚚🚚🚓🚓🚓🚔🚔🚔🚔👌👌👌👌👌👌

  17. ( ´‿ゝ`)we are men( ´‿ゝ`)

  18. Vote on how you feel about redemption leagues difficulty here: http://www.strawpoll.me/12424048

  19. JJBA? PFFFT! Everyone knows that real men watch Love Live Sunshine or Little Witch Academia.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Excuse you. I'm too swole to be a nerd. =P

    3. Animefan666


      Little Witch Academia is actually pretty good.

    4. Wolfox


      Yare Yare Daze...

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