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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Guzam

  1. Guys I have the steps to get the Dratini. 1. Find the Tile and talk to it. The dratini will be stuck in the wall. 2. Go find Terra at the Circus. Dont worry she'll be there. 3. Terra will ask you a series of questions about herself. Just answer RAWR everytime. 4 She will now follow you back to the Dratini Tile. Just get her there. 5. Once you see the tile talk to it again. 6. Terra will now teleport Ciel into the room and pound her into the wall until she finds the dratini. 7. Catch the Dratini Have fun
  2. I'm so tough I beat Aya with all grass type pokemon
  3. mmmm. Not quite. I'm guessing jman390 will post next I'm guessing Ark will post
  4. You're all missing the point. Meowstic is already in the game. Give it Swagger+Prankster and you can already put that to use Have fun with that
  5. When Ame adds Klefki, you may want that. Just for safe keeping.
  6. Please Someone help me. None of the download links are working. Am I doing something wrong?
  7. Are you playing in episode 11? If so, you need to go to the area where the man will tell you about the mudkip. Go the normal route, but once you get to the junction of left or right (right leading to Aya's house) You want to go left, but instead of going down the pole, you want to go up and jump down a ledge. Once there, move forward until you find cave. You'll know its the right cave if it has a rock smash rock and a strength boulder (I hope that didn't sound too confusing )
  8. this needs to be edited but if you remember in peridot, if you get a bibarel you can trade it for an abra. Unless it was changed in episode 11, that needs to be edited. Plus the linkstone can be retrieved after shelly, or after Aya.
  9. I have to say this. The topic of Honedge came up and I realized that Ame was creating the big top. Wouldn't it only be natural for there to be a sword swallower anyone? You could put a honedge in there. Also can't wait to battle Ciel, see Terra (WHAT THE F**K IS A PHYSICS) in action and I also saw Samson's sprite in there. Can't wait for 12
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