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Damage last won the day on November 25 2016

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19 Fledgling

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    right behind you AHHHHHH
  • Interests
    writing, gaming, movies, existential crisis, hanging out, learning new things and wondering if my lists are long enough

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  1. ive run into bugs in this area on nearly every playthrough. no one seems to have answers on why.... sorry
  2. Will you make a bonus meme chapter for the choice of your character leaving Aevium at the start of the game and how their life goes if they escape Rejuv story.
  3. No, I still follow the game properly. I only turned on wall hacks whenever the system bugs out to see if I can try to find a way to force the trigger but I'll save before hand then find a way to reach whatever worked after a soft reset edit* downloaded non modded version of the game. the script still doesn't activate.
  4. Submitted this to the site but theres been a number of times I walk into a scripted event and all the characters are there but nothing happens. Before just reloading would make the script go off but this time in Alamissa Urban nothing is happening and I'm just stuck looking at still sprites. I've got the debug mod in the game so idk if thats causing the errors or not.
  5. still not triggering for me. ive had a few events just not go off, still stuck here, if anyone has the fix please post
  6. I recently lost my mother to cancer. It was tough. Made work, life and even writing difficult. She said to me shortly before she left that when she lost her mother she cried every day but one day she realized that she just stopped crying. She never forgot her or anything. Just stopped crying. Dealing with cancer is hard and I don't know if there is a "right" way but I hope you find the healthiest way possible. Keeping up the good work includes maintaining your well being. That being said, I hope you do. I hope your family gets better and feels... Rejuvenated. :)
  7. Hello Dev blog. You're as beautiful as the day I thought I lost you
  8. Not a rant, genuinely a question... she is so useless a teammate that my mono fighting run has come to a hault. With 2 legendaries and debug mode I can't kill the other team before she just dies out during the puppet master gym battle. I wish their was an option to do a 6v12 because she is actively holding me back from anything resembling success.
  9. Damage

    E19 spoilers

    I learned that the mind could in fact vomit so at the very least I learned something :)
  10. The pulse 09 fight. First of all. What? Second of all. THE FUCK? Look he was a bad dude no two ways about it but for the love of arceus what a terrible day to have eyes.
  11. Damage

    E19 Updater

    thanks ill give this a shot tomorrow
  12. Damage

    E19 Updater

    Maybe I'm just an old man but my security system does not like the updater and wont even let me touch it let alone give it permission to be used. When it downloads my computer says no and deletes it on the spot. What do now?
  13. So I saw one of the dev posts earlier today and it mentioned how Reborn e19 will feel like playing Persona 5 R. I completed 5 and I'm replaying 5R and a thought occured. I completed 5 so I know all the things I wanted from the game in R and had all my grievances and appraisals thought out. The same can't ever be said about Reborn. Reborn will be complete as of e19. So my question to the devs mainly. What do you think Reborn would have looked like if it had somehow gotten all the way to the end/post game with what the team knew about wayyyy back when it was started. How many storybeats would be different. Would the theme gyms play as big a factor? Would Reborn of yesteryear even be what you would call a good game compared to its more polished state today? Would Gyarados still be an early mon? I'm not calling old reborn bad. Far from it, old reborn is what captured me but there's a lot from episode 9 (when I joined) that is just different from today. Just curious about what you guys think this game would look like if it had been complete so long ago.
  14. Solaris sent the invite to the player to join the reborn league to make them strong enough to stop Solaris if he lost himself to his mission
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