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Snap Crackle Pop

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Snap Crackle Pop last won the day on November 12 2014

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About Snap Crackle Pop

  • Birthday September 2

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    Snapple1933, Snap
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  1. Louise nodded and thanked the Elekid that had delivered the bowl of ramen before digging into it, rather ravenously too, combined with her hunger and the fact that it was done just right. She stopped only when she felt begging eyes on her, or rather her food, and more specifically the slices of egg in it. She gave a light chucked and she picked the egg out and passed it to the dragon type, who inhaled it within a few seconds. It was one of Terra's favorite foods, perhaps next to green and blue pokéblock. "You already ate, but I guess an extra treat never hurt," she said with a light laugh. "Work hard tomorrow, yeah?" In response, the Gabite bared her fangs in something that resembled a grin, in pokemon terms. Noticing that the crowd was thinning and the opening was close to starting, Louise stood up and returned Terra to her ball, after a light pat on her head (rather gingerly now that her rough skin was much more potent) and was about to head off to the stadium before realizing that she had to track down Axion. *~~*~~* Thankfully, Louise had managed to squeeze into a seat in the far back just before things began, the coordinators were already on the stage, but nothing much had happened. Even better, she didn't get lost on her way there either, and there was a seat available that didn't require her to move awkwardly through the crowd to get to it. The Haunter was always wandering fairly close to her, as arranged, but he poked fun at her for a few minutes when he refused to come out into the open and into his pokeball.
  2. I-I'm free! AHAH!!! I'm FREE!!!

    1. Maelstrom


      Get back in the lamp genie. No one made that wish yet.

  3. Louise nodded to the Lucario, who seemed to be the one to take her order. "Hey, could I have you best bowl of ramen please?" she asked, not looking too carefully at the menu, figuring she could and would hold up the line for a good 5 minutes at least. "Well, by that I mean either your best seller or maybe a special... Or a super deluxe bowl...?" She kept glancing up at the large screen filled with the new match up announcements, having to re-memorize the names of the people in her block. She should probably start asking around what kind of pokemon they had, if not meet the actual person, which would be ideal. Terra had looked up the the screen to see what caught her trainer's attention, but it didn't interest her as much as what was going on in the ramen stand, with all the shiny cooking utensils and what not.
  4. Louise was wandering around the grounds, checking out all of the stalls before trying to decide which one she should go to for food. The burger stand and raman stall seemed to be the most tempting ones currently, although the barbeque stall also seemed quite good as well. Terra, her Gabite, was following her around and Axion, her Haunter, disappeared, which she didn't worry about too much because she trusted him enough not to pull any shenanigans. Well. Trusted was a strong word, she had more or less bribed him with a triple serving of poke block if he didn't pull anything, especially now with a fresh group of people he could play around with, she wanted to put in some insurance just in case. Marina, meanwhile, was chilling out in her pokeball, considering the Milotic's size, Louise didn't want to cause any inconveniences amongst this crowd of students and parents. Speaking of parents, she wondered if her mother, father and brother were going to arrive today or tomorrow when the battles actually started. Well anyway, it seemed she had transferred at a good time, seeing at how she had managed to squeeze into the Winter Cup and she had to admit, her team was shaping up pretty well. Especially now that both Axion and Terra evolved and learned more moves to put into combos. She might actually have a chance, despite how poorly she knew her competition. She even managed to squeeze in a bit of training yesterday between all of the things going on. Speaking of competition, she should probably start trying to talk to some of these people, buuut food first. She was getting rather hungry, having not eaten anything recently, and was growing impatient with all the tantalizing smells in the air. Louise turned on her heel and headed over to the nearest source of delicious smelling food, raman. Hopefully the noodles weren't too soggy.
  5. Late team update xD Post IC coming up~ Marina the Milotic (F) Lvl. 23 Ability: Competitive Moves: Aqua Ring Rain Dance Water Pulse Icy wind Twister Wrap Axion the Haunter (M) Lvl. 25 Ability: Levitate Moves: Confuse Ray Shadow Punch Hex Smog Icy Wind Terra the Gabite (F) Lvl. 24 Ability: Rough Skin Moves: Sand Attack Sandstorm Sand Tomb Dual Chop Arial Ace Metal Claw
  6. .-. I'm back xD I'm really sorry for any hold ups my absence might have had on any one the RP's I participate in. I was 100% Banned from the computer because me mom was mad that I spent all my time on the computer. No way for me to sneak on and say anything about that because I was also banned from visiting friends and what not.

    1. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      Also; creative writing section cool xD

    2. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      welcome back, guuuuurl c:

    3. Sutoratosu


      Understood, all is forgiven soldier... but there are still others I must pursue...

  7. 8/10, that expression on his face is a cause for concern.
  8. Name: Caitlyn Age: 15, let's say Birthday: September 2nd (The day school starts for me...) Location: Canada, BC within 10 driving hours from Vancouver. Height: 5'4.5" ish.... Hair Color: Black, sort of brownish at the tips from the sun Eye Color: Dark brown Live With: Mother, Father and a brother who is six years my senior Pets?: A turtle named Murtle Relationships?: Happily alone Crushes lately?: Nope Dream Job: No clue. Something in the field of science though Currently Playing: League of Legends.... Favourite Food: A lot of things actually, but if I were to name one.... No, I can't. I LOVE raw fish though Favourite Drink: Water..? Turns out I suddenly dislike soft drinks and I am traumatized by an incident involving a giant aloe vera drink Favourite Color: Purple, red, black and white pick one? what. Favourite kind of Music: Uhhhh..... No idea.... If I like the melody and lyrics, it can range from a broadway classic to some vocaloid song Favourite Band: If going by band, I'd say.... My Chemical Romance? OH! Ali Project! This is just going by overall, as in, me liking most of their songs, but I don't strictly listen to one group. Favourite Album: ??? Favourite Game: Uhhhh.... Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, bullet hell and most things that involve a good story Favourite Hobbies:Reading, spending time by myself, internet, a bit of chess, trying new things, writing, games... Favourite Movies: The Good the Bad and the Ugly is a thing in my family, but I'd much rather a book than a movie because there is so much more information Favourite Shows: I watch a lot of anime...... I can't really say decisively, but I really loved Stein's; Gate, Mirai Nikki and Deadman Wonderland
  9. Alistair would have raised an eyebrow if he had one to raise, but instead just nodded. This guy must really like his job... What, does he get paid to advertise or something? "Seacrest it is then," he said, deciding to follow the Gengar.to where he assumed to be the direction to said castle.
  10. "Five bullets were used against the monochromes and three shots from my laser, again, against the monochromes," Katsumi reported, unsure if she had mixed the numbers up for a moment, but remembered she was right.
  11. Good timing, Kyrie thought as Nigel had returned, deciding not to ask where he had gone, and instead raised an eyebrow briefly before grinning and holding out her left hand palm up. It was actually quite convenient that he left at that time because she had managed to pull most of the moisture in the air to one half of the room, which took a lot more concentration, especially if it was invisible. She held it there for the time he was gone so that she could try to dazzle him when he came back, and while he wasn't gone long, holding it in the state it was was already giving her a splitting headache which she knew would last for some time. All of the moisture in the air got pulled into her hand to form a small sphere of dense mist hovering half an inch above her hand- the air around them was quite dry- and she willed it to spin around and then freeze, pulling it together to make very fine ice crystals. She took a deep breath before making it shift into liquid water for a few moments, spiraling in her hand, before it evaporated into the air, letting go of her "grip" on it. Her shoulders noticeably relaxed and she replaced the look of concentration on her face with a grin. "To state the obvious for the sake of being official, I have hydrokenesis."
  12. It's been "one more game" for the last two days. I have homework, someone help me ;-;

  13. Quoth the raven, "Nevermore."

    1. Felicity


      Forevermore shall I gaze into the eternity before me.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Unless it contains a lot of plumber's cracks.....cause nooooo thank you, I will just poke out me eyes.

    3. Zephyrus the Priestess
  14. Octavia bent down quickly to scoop the two books up, careful with both of them, but with a slight hesitation when she saw Eric's journal. She felt almost sick when she thought of what happened at the Apothecary shop a million years and a few hours ago, she decided to return it to him at the next best chance, placing it into her bag. The locked book, however, was quite interesting, she turned it around in her hands and inspected it carefully because it was probably quite important, and if it was important, it could have measures that protected it from being read by anyone who tried to open it and was not the "kin of the Sky Slayer", aside from the obvious lock. She moved the book down away from her face, curious by the sharp temperature drop before a large shard of ice impacted the ground where Rossephus was around earlier, closely followed by multiple others. She had swapped the book with her scythe, but by then the onslaught (not that anything could be done with a close range item against something clearly out of range) had stopped, she was now scanning the area, top to bottom, seeing at how the ice was coming from above.
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