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Shadow Tack

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Shadow Tack last won the day on November 28 2015

Shadow Tack had the most liked content!


3 Neutral


About Shadow Tack

  • Birthday 04/11/2001

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Shadow Tack
  • Gender
  • Location
    A Terrible Place
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  1. Can get carbink from the sunkern trade, it also isn't noted on there that the trade is one time only
  2. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  3. ( ´‿ゝ`)we are men( ´‿ゝ`)

  4. start with awakening FE7 FE8 or shadow dragon, shadow dragon is a remake of FE1 but it was a fun experience.
  5. wow i haven't been here in ages, even with the topic and stuff i'm not very active

    1. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      also i hate the new layout of the forums

  6. trying my best shingerino, and it's great to see ya spark~
  7. Hi. anybody remember me? starting AMA train if possible
  8. is the showdown server dead or is it just me?

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Being restarted.

    2. Shamitako



      Long ass restart tho

    3. Red_Chaos


      o good i thought i made dan mad again :S

  9. all the counterpicks are garbage, i refuse to play in this. Jungle japes is nice and balanced indeed.
  10. how will you be deciding for mons w/ 2 types?
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