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About ReddestDream

  • Birthday 11/06/1988

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  1. Aside from getting more Psychics and/or evolving Munna, Flying-types can help. Emogla's Acrobatics really helped me. Also, I hope your Luxray has Intimidate. That was the only way I could beat her Medicham.
  2. Mudkip! Pretty much always Mudkip, though I might give Fennekin a try sometime.
  3. Since the "Ticking SE Crashing Wine Emulators" issue was not fixed in 6.1, I've made a set of sound files that should resolve all the sound issues if you use Wine. Just replace the files in the given folders with my re-encoded versions. These files should also work just fine on real Windows. Thanks! I apologize that I am unable to upload the file directly, so here is a link to it: http://wikisend.com/download/606622/Wine Sound Fix.zip
  4. Would someone who has had trouble with the "ticking" sound file in Wine be willing to try replacing it with this one? I'm hoping this will resolve the crash for those who experienced it. I've also fixed all the other incompatible sound files for Rejuvenation just like I did with Reborn in case anyone is interested . . . Thanks! Ticking Fix.zip
  5. Are you sure? Bulbapedia says they have a gender ratio of 25% M to 75% F . . . http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Gothita_(Pokémon) So, I would think that sometimes you could get a male one unless it was set to always be female in that event. I have a male one, but then I got it when it was in the place that Espurr is now.
  6. Yes. It appears that the update is available now.
  7. I think you accidentally uploaded the older community release (15C) instead of the new public one (15.1). Check the Readme. You'll see what I mean.
  8. Worst case scenario pick up some Persim Berries from the Department Store to help you fight the Confusion caused by Chattot's Chatter. I think you can still get them at the point where you are as of the latest episode, but I'm not 100% sure . . .
  9. Set. Set all the way! I also don't use healing items in battle.
  10. You could always pick Mudkip . . . It has good typing and the highest BST of all the starters when fully evolved. Also, as of E15, you won't get another chance to get one.
  11. Ground or Water. Swampert would be a must either way . . . There are just so many nice ways to counter their weaknesses.
  12. Mudkip, especially now that you won't have another chance to get one in E15.
  13. Don't worry! You can get one of the Scraggys later . . . though it will be a while . . . Really though. Set up a temporary team of 6 for now even if they aren't what you ultimately want to play with. Makuhita is good, but Kricketune or Vespiquen could also be helpful for taking out the Cradily, which I think is the biggest threat for most players.
  14. This is really awesome! Great job! It's always nice to see people coming up with creative ways to beat the 'Chomp . . . . . . I still think my way is better though since there is so much less luck involved . . . http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14382entry330765
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