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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by 5hift

  1. Exciting stuff. I'm more that hyped to begin a new playthrough once everything releases.
  2. 5hift

    One final card!

    Its not Pot of Greed. That's about all I can gather.
  3. Eenie meenie miney mo...
  4. Hot damn Decibel got a major glow-up. Very nice work.
  5. Do these look like the faces of mercy to you?
  6. Well considering that you're playing against AI in the game there isn't really much apart from needing to know basic type advantages. You should also be aware of certain stat spreads of Pokemon as that'll allow you to use them most effectively and allow you to exploit their weaknesses. I will say for this game its imperative that you learn about the different field effects as a lot of gym leaders will use them to their advantage. Most of them time they have some sort of cheeky gimmick that swings the odds in their favor but once you learn how to counter those field effects you can nullify their advantages and turn the tables on them.
  7. I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't really keep track of cooking time. First I get the water bubbling hot, then I add the seasoning packets and noodles. After the noodles begin to separate, I drop in two eggs. Be sure to stir them right after you do to prevent parts of them from sticking to the bottom of the pot and becoming a gigantic bomb in the rear to clean off. Dorm cooking isn't an exact science unless you make it one. So long as the egg white is cooked through, you should be fine. I have tried soft boiling eggs before, didn't go so well the first time. Be sure you boil the eggs for at least 6 minutes and immediately shock them in an ice bath.
  8. Recently I've been making ramen with poached eggs and bacon bits. Throw in some ginger cause I like ginger and sprinkle some chopped green onions over the whole thing when you're done. Really brings some personality to such a simple meal.
  9. Agree that Metal Gear Solid V was disappointing but only in the story department. Thank goodness the gameplay was actually fun otherwise this game would've flopped.
  10. This is the mouse I use: http://a.co/74qTMbf Love the six programmable buttons and for a wireless gaming mouse there isn't very much noticeably latency.
  11. Cheaper mice experience problems if you reverse the charge. Also uh... I'm pretty sure most electronics won't work properly if the batteries aren't put in the right way. I'd recommend just putting in the batteries correctly in the future just to be safe.
  12. One thing I always see the seasoned veterans of the game doing is creating rotation paths in the walls. Unlike most games, you are not limited to just the paths presented in the map. You have numerous opportunities to exploit the map which create new paths that you can use to outplay the enemy. This is crucial because should the attacking team attempt to flank you by changing their approach, you will need to reach the other side of the map ASAP. And some of these maps are really confusing. So cutting a hole straight through the map so you and your team can swiftly move from one side to the other. This also ties in to wall reinforcement. At first you may think the best course of action is to completely box in the the objective to make it as hard as possible to reach. While on paper this seems like a good idea, it presents the issue of making it difficult for your team to gain full access of the objective. If the enemy team manages to reach the objective, you have a narrow window of opportunity to stop them. It may be better to not completely seal the objective off and create areas where you and your team can move about.
  13. When I was a kid I really fuckin wanted a pet turtle. So much in fact that I kinda "made" a pet turtle out of like some milk bottle caps, wire and a spoon. My dad wasn't really too enthusiastic about the idea but we did happen to live by a fairly large pond and he managed to catch a wild painted turtle. Neither of us knew jack shit about caring for a turtle and this was back when we couldn't just google how to do it so we kind of just let it swim around in a bucket. This went on for about at week, it wouldn't eat any of the store bought turtle feed so we eventually decided to release it back to the pond before we ended up killing the poor thing. It was pretty sad but I think this should serve as a powerful lesson that wild animals do not make good pets no matter how much your spend on them.
  14. Glad to hear things are working out for you. Keep up the good work.
  15. Um. Certain public domains may restrict access to certain sites or devices. Like if you were to use free McDonalds Wifi or something, you'd probably be redirected to a website where you'd have to agree to some terms of service or something before gaining actual access. I have doubts on if this is a software related issue so I guess your best bet is to just convince your dad to give you internet access. Pretty weird how he would withhold that information from you and your stepmother. Did you buy this 2DS used or brand new?
  16. I suggest you read up on some narratives first to get an idea of how you want to write your own. You can maybe pick up a couple techniques along the way. Other than that, just go for it. Remember, everything is a first draft. You can always go back and change things.
  17. Lol top notch investigation work. This whole situation seems pretty BS, no offense. I wouldn't feel comfortable at all trying to track down a criminal that we literally know nothing about other than his alias. Even if I was desperate enough to find this guy, I would be preeeetty skeptical about this random guy contacting me to kill him. But yeah, I voted the 4th option because I'd be pretty stupid to fall for this.
  18. Ok well my next suggestion would be Youtube. Just watch something in your recommended section or just re-watch videos you already saw that you like. Honestly dude, if you really are that bored. Just walk or find your own way to the library. That alone should keep you busy for a while.
  19. Uh... Read a book? I don't know what your preferences are but something I found that works pretty well is just stroll around your local library in the sections you find interesting. Pick a book off the shelf and read the first couple pages. If it doesn't interest you, put it away and find a new book.
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