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Quattro Staravia

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About Quattro Staravia

  • Birthday 01/22/1985

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  3. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  4. Welp, Time for the yearly "About Me" edit on my profile.

  5. Cal, you stupid Motherfucker.


  6. Now when I ask this question, I don't mean Genres in terms of games (It's a freaking RPG), I mean Genres in terms of storytelling. For example, Reborn I believe is somewhat of a Neo-Noir, and I have added music in my game to fit the setting. However, I'm non so certain that Rejuvenation fits the same storytelling category as Reborn, since the world in Rejuvenation has a different tone from the world of Reborn. With that being said, what storytelling Genre do you believe Rejuvenation is?
  7. Sweet little Melia Jenner. She grew up. She spaced out.


  8. *Sees a Pokemon Ball in a game*

    What's in the ball? WHAT'S IN THE BALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL?????


    1. Quattro Staravia

      Quattro Staravia

      Also, I apologize for my last update, I surely did not mean to anyone, especially not victims of Rape.

    2. Quattro Staravia

      Quattro Staravia

      Pretend "Offend" is between "to" and "anyone"

  9. Pokemon breeding in a nutshell:


    1. Maelstrom
    2. Quattro Staravia

      Quattro Staravia

      See the replies in the next comment for an apology.

  10. Forget it, Jake.  It's Reborntown.


  11. Forget it, Jack. It's RebornTown.


  12. The greatest trick Darkrai ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, *poof* he's gone.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quattro Staravia

      Quattro Staravia

      Wait what?! I was just making a Pokemon version of a famous movie quote!  How is it nerfed?

    3. Azeria


      Dark void got nerfed into the ground. T's worse than Hypnosis now :[

    4. AuthorReborn


      Well it's not completely worse than Hypnosis (although it is accuracy wise) because Dark Void still hits mutiple targets in doubles and triples

  13. Since Reborn Is basically Frank Miller's Pokemon, I'm looking for some suggestions of some noir music from you guys that fit the tone. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FilmNoir Any ideas?
  14. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Charmanders burning a man's flesh clean off. I watched Flash TMs glitter in the dark near the Opal Ward. All those... moments, will be lost... in time, like... tears... in rain. Time... to die. 

    1. Quattro Staravia

      Quattro Staravia

      A pokemon version of a famous Blade Runner quote, BTW.

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