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TRHStatement last won the day on January 4 2016

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1 Follower

About TRHStatement

  • Birthday 04/15/1997

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  • Alias
    Epitome of the A.M
  • Gender
  • Location
    The Rodeo
  • Interests
    PKMN, Music, Basketball,

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Playing as Saki in the hotel and I cannot progress. Talked to all the dots and still nothing. EDIT: Apparently, when I talk to the TV, I'm not getting that prompt of text and nothing happens. Game.rxdata
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  4. So, I was going through the game and I couldn't find the TM for Shadow Ball. Apparently I played the version where we got the TM Shadow Claw instead. Can someone help me here please? Game - 2379 - Seppey - 358h 3m - 14 badges.rxdata
  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  6. Everytime I try to load the game, I get this message. It won't let me use a backup save file or start a new save either. Game.rxdata
  7. I guess I missed out on a lot huh? SilverHelio is up next.
  8. Ah, thank you so much! I guess it's just my laptop being old.
  9. I have tried that multiple times already, but alas, to no avail it seems. Update: I went in to try it again, and it still doesn't work.
  10. I bought all the EV training cards with my AP, but the doors are still locked in the Gearen Lab. Can this be fixed? Game.rxdata
  11. This new site looks nice and crisp! This is a nice early holiday present. Spineblade is up next.
  12. Uhhhhhh, yeah... I don't think there's any specific guideline on how to deal with this in protocol. BMIC is up next
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