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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TRHStatement

  1. If I said it I meant it, I said it on purpose. Don't sleep on that furnace cause boy we hot!

  2. *slides in real smooth like* *trips on own foot* Errrhhhhmmmmmm.... Uh... Shing is up next....
  3. I'm gonna say Fern. His bitchyness has followed me throughout most of the game, then he goes to join Team Meteor, furthering your hate towards him. Blake is just following orders. If he never worked for Team Meteor, he could just be that funny guy who just doesnt give a f*ck. Fern > Blake
  4. [6/19/2015] When did you last laugh? I had a good laugh yesterday. My good friend came back home from California and woke me up directly outta my sleep letting me know he was here. Shared some stories and we had a good laugh. Ahh, good times.

  6. *cue dramatic voice narrator* Roy & Ryu have been confirmed for Smash King Midas has taken in a ridiculous amount of mayo, leaving our heroes and the Reborn servers amazed and afraid of his ridiculous amount of power What happens now? What will he do once Wolf is confirmed for Smash? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z...
  7. I wish it was that easy. I honestly do. Damn, I never thought the harsh truth would follow me into Reborn of all places... That and supposedly his roommate knew he was going to do this for a while now. Like, wtf
  8. I'd say check out this link ---> EV Training Guide It just lets you know all the PKMN in the area. IIRC, I just grinded in the Tanzan Mtn, pokemon there were fair leveled and it was less laggy
  9. Well you got me instead!!! DarkSpite is up next
  10. The face of pure evil! Aipom
  11. That name reminds the Forretress that in the end, its just gonna explode. Only knowing it can set up entry hazards then finally explode, being stepped on over and over again everytime it hears its name A Skuntank named Miley Cyrus This is why I majored in business...
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