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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TRHStatement

  1. Do you know how troubling chemistry was?!? A Gigalith named Aesop Rock
  2. Mine also happened in the bathroom. Before my family moved into our new house, the old house seemed a little strange. Everyone at my school thought our neighborhood was built on Native American burial ground, so strange things are likely to happen. But nothing outta the ordinary, just middle school rumors. But, whenever I was in the bathroom alone, I heard a strange quiet knocking. Whenever I would brush my teeth or drop a duece, there would be a silent knocking on the other side of the wall. I always thought it was someone on the other side of the wall, but seeing this was an exterior wall, that would be impossible. Just a really quiet knocking coming from different parts off the wall. Not just in my bathroom, but in my parents and in the downstairs bathroom. Always thought this was weird. I don't believe it was rats because if that was the case we had an infestation, but we had signs of rats in the house. Strange...
  3. dank pokemans. i lyk it rly
  4. French Toast Mafia

  5. I wonder if people in the Pokemon universe have to deal with this stuff as severely as we do???
  6. The "four screens" showed the deaths of Lin, Corey, Kiki, and Amaria. "Only two will be taken": Corey and Kiki. Amaria can't die cause I'm not in the mood to fight another water gym leader she's like the only water specialist in Reborn, no one's going to replace her. And I think Titiana was probably going to do something crazy to her anyways, that why she was overwhelmed when Amy lost her memory. Sadly, that also means Lin is still going to be here. So with my Rap Genius skills I think our shadowy fire spitter meant: A.) No else is going to die (insert spongebobpatrickwesavedthecity.jpg) or B.) Someone else has it coming...
  7. Although the games were really fun and had some nice plot, each one had its flaw. 1st one had that Minun/Plusle that was significantly useless and pokemon couldn't leave their natural habitat until you were high enough level. The second one was perfect. And the third one relied waaaayyyyyyy too much on the Gen I & II legends (and don't get me started on Ukulele Pichu). If they remake another ranger game for the 3DS, I'll be there wishing it would awesome like the second ranger game
  8. Welcome to...I mean... So how are you? The forums haven't fully corrupted you right? There's still hope
  9. You never gave up, and for that I'm proud of you
  10. Well, If you want something that's gonna help you in the long run, I'd say evolve it into a Sylveon. Pretty bulky and not much in this game that can check fairies (yet). Or if you want reliable hax, Umbreon and Jolteon are safe bets
  11. Basketball Field I NEED TO SEE YOU HUSTLE! HUSTLE! HUSTLE! - Pokemon with these abilities have a x1.5 speed boost - Pokemon with these abilities have a x1.5 accuracy boost - Pokemon with these abilities get decrease in speed x0.5 - If a Pokemon misses 3 times in a row, accuracy is decreased by x0.33 - If a Pokemon lands a hit 3 times in a row, accuracy is boosted by x0.33 - Rest lasts 2 turns but only recovers 60% health - Slack Off recovers only 20% health - Psych - Up cures users status ailments - Focus Energy boosts critical hit rate to 3 - Wide Guard and Quick Guard boost Defense by x1.5 - Fly & Bounce only last one turn - All special moves have a increase in base power x1.3 - All physical moves have a increase in base power x1.25 - Nature Power becomes Aura Sphere or Extreme Speed - Camouflage changes the user's type to Grass - Secret Power may inflict confusion
  12. Is this the part where we start bowing down? Because I'm making my way to the floor
  13. Well.... Let's see I'll need trainers who have all kinds of type coverage so... 1.) Alder. Old buddy came out of retirement to protect the future which he truly cares about 2.) Cynthia. She has type coverage down to the T, and the Mega-Garchomp at that 3.) Reformed Lin. (But how can you put Lin? We don't know anything about / what happens to her?) Unless I find out she dies, I'm going to say she found a new found purpose to protecting the world. Due to that Hydreigon f*cking up the overgrown OVERGROWN Steelix, I assume her team is hyper-offensive 4.) Red. Most powerful trainer in Kanto, well deserved spot on the International Elite 4. Has the option to Mega-Evolve whoever he sees fit
  14. WELL DAMN!!! Anyways, I agree with you that the rematch could've been a lot better. Due to this episodes shortness and the only new place was the water treatment plant, there wasn't a proper place to fight Solaris. In the situation we were in at Amaria's house, Solaris would not have said, "No green one step aside, I know *main character* wants a rematch". Everyone would've been like "NO, GTFO & LEAVE!" The plan was to protect the house, not settle the score (which we will we probably do in a later episode). Had Sirius replaced Solaris and joined with new world orderly #47, I would've been contempt knowing that Solaris would be waiting with stronger PKMN. And about what you said about the situation w/ Blake. That would not have been the ideal place to fight Solaris. To me, it would'nt fit in with the plot and and if you lose, you gotta climb back up that mountain and you gotta fight Blake again (Blake and that damn Walrein were a pain in the ass) just to get to him. And IIRC, Cal and Heather were trying to take down the helicopter with Solaris in it, so him battling us woud've gave us all time to take down Solaris and bring him in to Reborn. That just doesn't sound right. If Solaris is one of the higher ups of this notorious Team Meteor, he would know better to let his hate towards *main character* get in the way. Although it was somewhat underwhelming, I think Ame did the right thing with the whole *main character* and the Onyx Ward lackeys Alumni vs. Team Meteor. The only complaint, switch Sirius with Solaris. Other than that, there's nothing we can do. Now, all we can do is train up some PKMN and wait patiently for E16
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