Julia- 1 try. Volt absorb pachirisu + marshtomp
Florinia- 3 tries. Didn't want to fall back to the fury cutter method but, it did the job.
Corey- 2 tries. Who's a good Competitve Gothorita? You are, that's who!
Shelly- 2 tries. Tried to take Victoria's advice on going easy on her. Didn't work out. SET THE FIELD ABLAZE!
Shade- 2 tries. Nuzzle + Electro Ball + Field effects + good switches = Omen Badge
Kiki- 1 try. That wasn't too bad
Aya- 1 try. Her icy wind tentacruel plan backfired as Gothitelle got like a 2.5 SpA bonus. Sweep.
Serra- 2 tries. Burning down was a bad way to "break the ice"(I'm hilarious...no....ok)
Noel- 2 tries. That little op brat. SET THE FIELD ABLAZE
Randomus- 3 tries. Had to really develop my reserves to win this one
Luna- 1 try. Who's a good Granbull? You are, that's who (Rattled Granbull FTW!!!)
Samson- 3 tries. The high striker always seemed to play in his favor
Charlotte- 2 tries. Take out anything that's going to harm my Gigalith. Let Stone Edge take care of the rest.
Terra- 1 try. Swampert and Gothitelle took care of her b00ty
Ciel- 1 try. Pachirisu and Gigalith took care of about everything. After Mega-Altaria ko'd Pachirisu. Explosion for the spectacular finish