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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TRHStatement

  1. Name: TV Animal: Tortoise Boys Name: Travis Girls Name: Tiffany Occupation: Teacher Colour: Turquoise Something you wear: T-Shirt Drink: Tequila Food: Tacos Something you find in the bathroom: Toothbrush Place: Taj Mahal Reason to be late: My Tornadus threw a tantrum that destroyed ten towers with ten tornadoes Something you shout out: TIMEOUT!!! TIMEOUT!!!
  2. Let me slide in real smooth like. DarkSpite is up next
  3. Banned for chain-banning earlier
  4. https://youtu.be/61oFE03ZFAY Had to take a trip down memory lane
  5. Banned for not observing the obvious
  6. Nah. Has anyone ever predicted these correctly? Shing is up next
  7. Dark Souls - Gwyn's Theme PMD: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky - Primal Diagla's Theme
  8. 23 Well, I'm done training this thing then.
  9. Donnie Trumpet & The Social Experiment - Surf

  10. Julia- 1 try. Volt absorb pachirisu + marshtomp Florinia- 3 tries. Didn't want to fall back to the fury cutter method but, it did the job. Corey- 2 tries. Who's a good Competitve Gothorita? You are, that's who! Shelly- 2 tries. Tried to take Victoria's advice on going easy on her. Didn't work out. SET THE FIELD ABLAZE! Shade- 2 tries. Nuzzle + Electro Ball + Field effects + good switches = Omen Badge Kiki- 1 try. That wasn't too bad Aya- 1 try. Her icy wind tentacruel plan backfired as Gothitelle got like a 2.5 SpA bonus. Sweep. Serra- 2 tries. Burning down was a bad way to "break the ice"(I'm hilarious...no....ok) Noel- 2 tries. That little op brat. SET THE FIELD ABLAZE Randomus- 3 tries. Had to really develop my reserves to win this one Luna- 1 try. Who's a good Granbull? You are, that's who (Rattled Granbull FTW!!!) Samson- 3 tries. The high striker always seemed to play in his favor Charlotte- 2 tries. Take out anything that's going to harm my Gigalith. Let Stone Edge take care of the rest. Terra- 1 try. Swampert and Gothitelle took care of her b00ty Ciel- 1 try. Pachirisu and Gigalith took care of about everything. After Mega-Altaria ko'd Pachirisu. Explosion for the spectacular finish
  11. I'm kinda upset that I don't know how to rant/vent. I'd normally just shrug things off and say "oh well" but when someone tells me to "let it all out" I can't. I either A.) Don't care passionately enough or B.) Suppressed these emotions to a point of no return. Heh... oh well
  12. I get annoyed when people don't pick up after themselves. Like being somewhat clean is not that difficult
  13. If that's a reference to the Scarlett Letter, you do know that Vulpix aren't capable of producing world famous literature right? A Noivern named GlitchxCity
  14. Statement is ironic because I hardly ever talk, so whenever I said something it was like a statement. Then just putting my initials in front and BAM. I had a long lasting username
  15. Well, lets look at the bright side, at least you can trust yourself (one can hope)!
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