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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TRHStatement

  1. Welcome to Reborn! And joke's on you. I'm no mere mortal!
  2. My Pachirisu and Gigalith put in all the work against Ciel. Nuzzle + Electro Ball & Stealth Rock and Stone Edge were the end of her. Swampert handled the Gliscor pretty easily. Explosion on the Mega-Altaria for the spectacular finish
  3. I decided to tell Amy the truth because she overheard what Titiana and the main character were saying. And if the whole loving Amy is a lie, how is lying to her again gonna fix anything. Did I personnaly expect the outcome, no, but I believe it was for the better.
  4. Can we just take minute to admire the fact that Riolu is a player option again #JustCopycatRoarofTime
  5. Welcome to Reborn! We all have respect for one another because Amethyst owns our souls (I really want mine back)! So until you get you get your straight jacket in the mail, enjoy your stay
  6. A$AP Rocky - AT.LONG.LAST.A$AP

    1. Simon


      You're not gonna find it on here haha. But if you're listening to it, I thought it was a pretty good album, 7/10 to 8/10 for me.

    2. TRHStatement


      I know. I just listened to it again and thought it deserved to be my status

    3. Simon


      Ah, gotcha mate.

  7. Give me Mega-Steelix or Aggron and I'll call it a day
  8. Whoa, never thought I'd be one of the first to be here for a public release. Time for a wave of new faces. Take it easy for a bit devs, you've earned it! (Now I wait for shofu's hilarious gameplay)
  9. Jamie xx - Loud Places

  10. My Gigalith and Swampert had to be the MVP in E15. Swampert was was the only one to take out the PULSE-Swalot and Gigalith took out Ciel's whole team with Stone Edge and took out that Mega-Altaria with Explosion for a spectacular display of awesomeness
  11. Well, looks like I missed out on my Larvesta. No prob though. Huge Power Azumarill is still good. Now I just need some Sitrus berries...
  12. Happy to hear that your faith in Pokemon is restored! Welcome to Reborn and if love for Pokemon hasn't fully returned yet, the members and the game itself will make those memories come flying back to you
  13. Since the game isn't finished, who's to say what the "best" ending really is. I just fought him because I'm waiting on him to join our side and... . . . . . . . . . I'm not scared of Titiana
  14. What's a welcome / Cain hype train without this song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB77PVveo4w
  15. That was a really informative video. Thanks Deadpool
  16. We need to implement showers after this

  18. I'd say Jumpluff because it was the original Whimsicott. It really fast so you have all the priority hax so far.
  19. 1: The difficulty. Gyms have full squad of six along with their field effects makes you use strategy to defeat them. 2: The evil team is actually evil. Not "Let's try to expand the land/sea for the good of the people" or "let's start up our base in one of the most obvious places in the region" No, team meteor is a group of motherf'n savages. 3: Story. As in most PKMN hacks, the story is far better than the original games, but Reborn blows everyone out of the water (literally, the water is f'n corrosive, you can't even get in it). Dark and mature themes across the entire game and it's probably hat most people would like to see in a PKMN game anyway. 4: Logic. Toxic air + Fire = KAAABOOOM. If I'm underwater, I shouldn't still be wrecking with a blaziken. (Still waiting on the EQ + Cave = IMMINENT DEATH to be slightly altered)
  20. Favorite places have to be the wasteland for the really fitting music and the Agate circus for trying to be everything in the city. The only place I truly hate in the game is route 2. The tediousness of maneuvering through all those rocks and other than the fact that you have to do it to go further in the game makes it not worth it
  21. The (M)eowstic because hax opporunities
  22. I'd say do a Normal run. Access to all the spread in the game
  23. Parasyte the Maxim is a good anime to watch. I just finished Tokyo Ghoul, pretty ok, I guess. As far as the PKMN anime goes, I only watch it to get that nostalgic feel when I did when I was a kid.
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