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Everything posted by Ninjarisu

  1. As of episode 15, after buying all the pokemon in 7th street, you are rewarded with the Lucky Egg
  2. I myself am doing a electric mono run, and while pachirisu is a great pokemon I really fine little to no use with it. Towards mid to late game lowering a stat by one doesnt help out at all and most electric types are special so tail whip becomes useless. Even charm doesnt help electric types too much because they are almost all too frail. You are must better off using Pachirisu until the 5th gym at most. Emolga nuzzles faster and paralysing is something all your pokemon can do, which leaves super fang as its only good move and if your in a gym battle they will potion it away and even if they dont, Pachirisu has nothing good that will take away the other half before they do potion
  3. Simply because of the fact it takes a turn to set up and only effect Magnezone it doesnt help out the team at all and swapping into Emolga would do the job much better
  4. Electric Mono Ampharos S Rank The only Electric pokemon I have at the time (between Radomus and Luna) that can not only live a hit with enough HP to not be 2HKO'd but also with enough power to but a dent in the opp. team with moves like signal beam for grass types which only 2 pokemon can handle and access to cotton guard, confuse ray thunder wave/discharge, charge beam and power gem. He almost solely swept Radomus and has been a great asset to the team since I saved him in Jasper Current moves: Charge beam, Rock Gem, Signal Beam, Confuse Ray Emolga A Rank Ok, listen to me here. The Flying typing that Emolga brings is a must on any Electric mono team. Combined its acrobatics move with trolling with double team (trust me you need to use it in Electric mono) Emolga has been a great weapon to use. It took me 3 days of trying to get past Ferns team in Route 1 (Its a straight electric mono counter) I rank Emolga above Pokemon like Intimdate Luxray and Sturdy Magnezone because early and current game for me, there is no better option to beating grass types than Emolga Current Moves: Acrobatics, Electro Ball, Charge Beam, Double Team Luxray A Rank Intimidate. Need I say more when it comes to a frail type like Electric. The team support Luxray brings to help mons like Ampharos and Stunfisk (yes stunfisk) is a must to defeat some rivals and bosses in the game. Combined that with spark, swagger and bite and the opp. rarely moves and you change from getting your ass handed to you to putting up a good fight. And you need a strong physical attacker and electric isnt full of them with only the Pikachu line and Luxray being able to be strong physical attackers Current Moves: Swagger, Spark, Bite, Crunch Magnezone B Rank Electric terrain coupled with sturdy and a steel type gives a reasonable tank. Hes no where near Ampharos levels but you gotta take what you can get with such a limited number of pokemon. I solely rank Magnezone a B because I had high hopes for him but in terms of bulk and with added field damage, Stunfisk has just been a better choice. Its a must to have on your team, but sadly without breeding for hidden power and with it as one of the only mons to get electric terrain, I had to use it in that manner. But I can see as a full on attack the potential for being an A rank with flash cannon/discharge/chargebeam/hiddenpower. But again, in a team where almost every pokemon is special, you need to use there hidden talents more. Current Moves: Electric Terrain, Charge Beam, Discharge, Flash Cannon Stunfisk B/C Rank This little gem. You have no idea how much you need a water move (muddy water and soon surf) and ground move (mud bomb) until you have played so long without either. His insane bulk without any EV training has jumped him up from a "I'll try him out" to a must have. If he got access to moves like earth power (tutor only) and wasnt as slow as he is, he would be a great chance for A Rank. But with mud bomb as his strongest ground attack its hard to give him even a B Rank. Current Moves: Sludge Wave, Mud Bomb, Muddy Water, ThunderBolt Rotom To Be Decided Since I have not had access to his formes yet, I'll leave him out for now. But I do see him easily being a S Rank with finally bringing either a fire, water or grass stab move to the team. But without using him yet I feel like it'll more be about talking about him in a competitive scene and we all know what hes like there anyway.
  5. In the Glitch Battle field, the AI doesnt pick up on the fact that 'dark type' pokemon are no longer immune to psychic. Mewtwo only used Ice beam and Thunderbolt on my Scrafty, so it was quite an easy win with the new tm thief and some X items.
  6. Yea, its thunderstorming today for me and numels no where
  7. Ive been back and forth from even before i beat Julia until now where Im about to head to defeat pulse Muk. It hasnt been anywhere near the rail system. I might of just missed my chance. Just thought I''ld mention it and see if others have it in 13
  8. I believe the numel event during the rain has been removed. I started a new game and it hasnt ever appeared on any rainy day.
  9. Wailmer can be encountered in Celestinine Mountain, Celestinine Cascade and Ametrine Mountain http://prntscr.com/4mzwfv The Icy rock for Glaceon is in the Ametrine Mountain though the enterence on North Adventurine Woods. Its on the far left of the map here http://postimg.org/image/u1yhtxuc5/full/ and you'll need strength to get to the stone. Which looks like this
  10. Thanks for all the help, i finally found it after a 3 day hunt for it.
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