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Damiano last won the day on January 21 2015

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About Damiano

  • Birthday 08/04/1995

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Just Damian
  • Gender
  • Location
    Knightmare City
  • Interests
    Uh... Games? And um... Music?

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Off name alone? I wonder if the numbers hold any significance. Do you think people need anchors or is solitude a valid state of being?
  3. Schrodinger's Pangoro- You won't know if I'm alive or dead until I post

    1. Caz


      Even now you could be dead

    2. Dhanush D Bhatt

      Dhanush D Bhatt

      Come back to life please, tyvm

    3. Damiano


      I have been summoned!

  4. Hmm you should consider a trek to Knightmare City you can get anything for free (if you dont include our blatant robbery know as interest rates) But what's an arm and a leg when your saving so much cash. Right Spire (I just want more unorthodox dragons)
  5. Not quite Dhan, but I'm workin on it. So far I've learned to summon him Eh, Dhan? Edit: Predict ninja'd I'm no weenie, but fear not i bring such treats known as: Viri?
  6. Welcome to the club. You're not the only one who wondered into this party. I was just minding my own business and next thing I know, BAM! I wake up in Reborn city next to a burning train station with a shockingly loud gym leader yelling in my ear. Reborn can be quite an exciting place, both online and in game. Have fun Frank (or Morgan)
  7. Divine intervention! I thought I was done with exams but that driver's license isn't gonna earn itself (because it's lazy) Viridescent?
  8. Gym Guy... you were my only friend. And you shall be avenged!
  9. Can I just say ECONOMY! Is adventurer an official job? Can you list that in your taxes? It certainly pays enough. Why does anyone with a pokemon even get a "real" job? A starter pokemon is basically winning a lottery ticket.
  10. *cough* Pancham *cough*
  11. Italian 1. Probably the easiest class I ever had. Friends had it, teacher was cool, very relaxed (probably too relaxed but it was a morning class so I won't complain), this classmate would bring in baked goods on random occasions, VS on The New Super Mario Bros on DS... The list goes on. Oh, and I guess I learned a little Italian too.
  12. You're all missing someone very important. The guy who gets to every gym before you. Your Rival? No, someone even more important. The hype-man! They give you advice on each gym leader and there pokemon to look out for. Even congratulating you upon victory. The true hero.
  13. Fighting! so I can have a gym full of Battle Girls I'm usually fighting-dark as you can see by my card, but I'll keep it simple Pangoro! (my favorite gen six don't judge me) Sawk Toxicroak Mienshao Lucario/Medicham Mega Mewtwo X/Pirouette meloetta/Mega Lopunny Mega-Blaziken
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