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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Damiano

  1. Damiano


    Max Revives can be won at the lottery if you're feeling quite lucky. But like Dondon said Cotton Candy is the best bet.
  2. Terra, for me. No doubt. I almost felt bad for her when I defeated her team so easily. (I'm gonna have to apologize to Hardy when his turn comes up) I think she was the first leader I didn't lose to. And it probably didn't help that the big battle before her was significantly more difficult in my opinion. Next would be Luna as the hardest thing about her battle was remembering the nicknames for counter switches. Then the ice gym and Kiki are tied.The rest are a bit of a toss up. (Except Charlotte hardest gym for me by far) Guess I'm the only one who got wrecked by Julia... Had no clue about electrike.
  3. I just had blue moon ice cream. (And the brand was Friendly's) Am I gonna evolve?

    1. AuthorReborn


      Only if you have a happiness evolution. But either way, I hope you learn Return soon cause that's going to be doing some serious damage.

  4. But for me, it was Tuesday.

  5. Okay, how can someone not pick Oshawott? You people (excluding Lucario505) are heartless! I just watched two people start rejuvenation on youtube, both noticed Oshawott and refused it. You monsters! But it's all cool, I'll show you the power of Flow, the Oshawott!
  6. As a person who has never done anything monotype, I can safely say my mono Dark is undefeated.
  7. The fact that you've broken the first rule instantly practically guarantees you my vote.
  8. Does that include shroomish? I've got a fenniken if the fire fox will do.
  9. No, it can't. There's no way to help that thing. (He says having been traded a level 100 magikarp)
  10. You *is now that guy, I hope you're proud of yourself.
  11. You kids and your love for that stupid fish. Do either of you have a shroomish or chimchar? I can get you the seafood you desire.
  12. Nothing to fear but fear itself?
  13. Catoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror. I had actually forgotten these word for it until just now. I'm not sure if it's the mirrord or me. It's not petrifying or anything, I'm (excessively) just cautious of it.
  14. What he said. If you want to know more here's a kind of summarized page http://www.savetheinternet.com/net-neutrality-what-you-need-know-now with other details linked inside in case you need two know more. While this doesn't just affect america, there are some things that may seems foreign inside.
  15. It's the same way I beat everything else. I walked up, punched it right in the face and turned to Cain, Rado and Adrianne and said "Thanks for the help... No, really. Good team work." Or maybe I cursed him with quick claw. (Forget destiny bond I want that exp)
  16. But you have my name up with the people who have to pay a pokemon but also with the winners. Was that a mistake or am I missing something?
  17. Wait, if I passed the test why do I have to pay an entrance fee?
  18. My team is whatever dark and or fighting types I could throw together. With IVs of I have no clue and EVs of whatever the people in the grand hall throw out every day. And move sets are based on hitting hard. No stalls, heals, hazards and so on.
  19. *Looks at your trainer card* I think you already know the answer.
  20. Place your bets on when the next status will be. Now that I've actually seen server issues I have received the full (non-ace) Reborn experience. I'm officially one of you now! Embrace me~
  21. Like Commander said, I'd be down to do this on Showdown (I don't even own a 3DS) I'm not very competitive in pokemon games (In fact my UU team is literally designed to for people to laugh at.) But it sounds fun enough.
  22. Unlimited since you can eventually buy them. If you're asking how many can be found you'd have to check the item guide.
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