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About Ganolth

  • Birthday January 25

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  1. Mega Typhlosion Fire/Grass Drought Flamethrower Smokescreen Solarbeam Extrasensory Hp78 Att 60 Def 100 Sp Att 170 Sp Def 100 Spd 126
  2. I can't really sit and watch tv and do nothing else so I play reborn or other fan games while I watch and at the point I could get to the end of the current ep in like 15-20 hours
  3. Well to start Pokemon Reborn is my favorite Pokemon game including officials and fanmade. I have 10 monotype runs, 6 duo runs 1 uber team and 6 regular runs using different starters. Out of the regular runs 1 was started on ep5 and it is my main game.
  4. I am always looking for something to do out of boredom and playing reborn and watching anime takes the cake that si why I have a ton of runs.
  5. Hey guys I am Gan and I just started my 23rd run on Pokemon Reborn. Currently the run I am working on is a duo run. My team atm the moment is Steelix and Togekiss. I'm curious what type of runs and how many save files you have. If you have any extremely difficult run ideas I would like to know as well.
  6. Here are some type triangles I am thinking about: gound, rock, flying ice, fire, ground electric, water, ground dark, psychic, fighting ground, poison, grass ice, grass, rock
  7. I never actually made an official thread for the game. I am trying to figure out how to delete those others.
  8. In my time working on Pokemon Stranded I ran into a road block for the story. While trying to solve this road block I came to the conclusion that I don't like the work I did so far i.e Events and such. Thus far I have 2 gyms and all the events leading up to them done, but I am not happy with it. So I am starting from scratch. The story will be the same with minor changes. Back to square one. This post is where I will start putting my progress and the eventual download link. It'll be after the first gym when I release it. Progress: Deciding on my starter triangle (input please, types only for now.). Maps to first Gym: 10% Events : 3% Story preview: Finally the day has come for you to receive your first Pokemon!! After getting your starter and battling your rival you are sent on a task. After retrieving the package you are sent home for some well deserved sleep. as you nod off you hear a commotion in town. You look to see your town being invaded by unidentifiable people. You hear your mom run upstairs. As she burst through the door she tells you to go for the escape hatch. As you go for the escape hatch your mom says be careful and pushes you in. The last you you see as the escape hatch closes is your pacifist mother calling out a Tyranitar and as your world shatters she looks back with grief on her face....
  9. Radomus is the last boss we get to fight a lvl 100 Mega Pulse G.Gardevoir
  10. The whole reason I said 2 was because of double battles. I think it could be done if you could use a mega and another really good one.
  11. Does anyone think it is possible to beat Reborn with only 2 Pokemon plus level 1 hm slaves? If so what Pokemon would you try it with? Only thing is no Legendaries. My first thought was Gengar and Rhyperior, but I am rethinking that.
  12. I finally bred a perfect IV Cyndaquil..... But I also got one with everything perfect and 0 attack IVs I think I like that one better....
  13. I call him Nova because his fire burns the hottest. Typhlosion! Once I get the tm for Solarbeam he will be complete. Modest Charcoal Flash Fire HP 0/31 Atk 0/0 Def 0/31 Sp. Atk 252/31 Sp. Def 6/31 Speed 252/31 Desired Moves: Solarbeam Sunny Day Extrasensory Flamethrower
  14. Ganolth

    Mono run help

    Last episode was great for Fire Runs Because Litleo, Vulpix, Pansear. It sucks now because I can't breed Extrasensory onto my Cyndaquil until late in the game.
  15. I'm not telling anyone that I have ep 9 and on....
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