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  1. Oh, I've tried changing the og forms to the ones but it had no effects, unfortunately. It works fine with Alolan ones, last I tried, but this was back in E18 (I bred and traded over my alolan vulpix egg over via the shared box since I wanted to try and keep my game semi-fair) so I'm not sure if it's still functional but I'd assume so. I can just breed and trade over, if I need to though, and hatch the eggs with my OT so I don't overlevel so fast. Would be nice to have the option to with the sandbox though, and figured it couldn't hurt to suggest it.
  2. I gonna ask, will this sandbox eventually include the pokemon? I'm interested in trying a couple as my starter and see how often I lose. The alolan as well, of course. Thanks for all you do, @DerxwnaKapsyla!
  3. Er well, I recently downloaded and just started the game for the first time three days ago and it said 7-1v in folder. The glitch is reoccurring for me. edit: I should also point out, again, that Moseley showed up after you visited Maman for the second time. The glitch happened there.
  4. I ran into a glitch where I can no longer upgrade the orphanage. After Moseley ran from Maman's bed, I talked to her and then left. I then re-entered Maman's room and exited back, met up with Moseley where she was startled to see my character and turned to the corner. I was then stuck there. Not sure if Jan is aware though. But no Quick Claw to be found. :s
  5. Thank you! <3 Didn't occur to me to check the other side. I was in the shopping distinct.
  6. Okay so I just started playing the game and got my first badge. Immediately after the kooky doctor found me and got me to his lab. Thing is, nearly all of my pokemon were KO and stupid me got knocked out after I caught the first shadow pokemon in the past...cue me getting relocated to the PokeCenter without knowing where the doc is. My question is, where is that doctor located? :s I have no idea where he is at...
  7. Um, well, there is this: Pokemon Dusk. It looked promising, but I haven't play it far yet. Basically, it's about Ethan, from Pokemon Gold/Silver, surviving the zombie outbreaks with his only pokemon. Saw a bit of Pokemon Nightmare, but it doesn't seem to have much of pokemon contents though, but more on animals evolving into pokemon? IDK. Both are made from RPGMaker though, and they both have horror genres. I'll try digging for some more, though, mind you, I'm staying away from creepypasta games. They're rarely, if ever, good. You can try and poke around rpgmaker.net and gamejolt yourself though, they both seems to have a lot of pokemon contents.
  8. Is there another B2 area? All I found is Totodile. :s I only see one dive spot. PM me the screenshot of the infamous Lapras dive spot maybe? Please? Good grief! Took a very long while, because I was following people's comments on the area being B2, but it's not. Here's couple of hints. :3 I got a shiny female lapras! She's so pretty.
  9. Uhhh, I may have found that certain tm...so I don't remember where it is. :c if anyone can maybe pm me the screenshot of the area...? ;__; Found the place! I think... Got the feebas! Yay! Also...
  10. Cotton candies are too expensive for a simple revive, which was priced around 1500 in the original games. :I That's why I think it's very fair for max revives, but not for revive. If it was intended to be plain ol' revive, then I'd rather them to be around 3000 or less, which is way more reasonable imo. That's all I can say about it.
  11. Yeah, I was confused for a bit there until your edit showed up. Sure, I can plan my strategies better and work harder at it, but I honestly don't have that kind of patience. I'm not too sure if I want 'easy' mode? But at the same time, cotton candies as they were, helped a lot. If we have an option to choose between what kind of cotton candies we want, I supposed that can be considered as 'easy mode', that would be very nice. Regardless, I'm iffy with having cotton candies as plain revives now, because the game is already so difficult. I do not mind the difficulty, that's the part of the game, but some of us just wanted to get through it. And some of us, wanted to play -with- the difficulty. That's the part of the fun! We can play however we wanted to, without, you know, changing the game mechanic as you mentioned. Not too keen on changing my usual strategies without max revive'd cotton candies in ep15 though.
  12. That sounds like a contradiction. There is no -one- way to beat the game. There's many ways. You are making it sounds like there's only one way to beat the game, and that should be done without using items. I...honestly don't think players' opinions should matters, because all of us can play a certain way we want to play. We can actually -choose-. And we should be able to -choose-. That's the part of the challenge. What bothers me that, as a causal player, we are having that choice taken away.
  13. Then why would a cotton candy being 3x more expensive than a plain ol' revive in the first place? I know about the game's difficulty, I won't deny that, but if the original intention were to make the cotton candy works just like a revive (instead of max revive), then why hadn't it been fixed several episodes ago? I had been playing the game since ep9/ep10, and I remembered cotton candy working the same way then. I'm a bit doubtful that it was overlooked for so long. Not only that, why was it so unholy expensive? Especially when there's so little money to be made in the game? I'd get it if it's like 3000P, which is the twice the cost of a revive in the original games. But it's 6000P in Pokemon Reborn. Which...would've made more sense if it worked just like Max Revive. Difficulty is one thing, but...ehhh... This whole situation is a bit mind boggling. :/ EDIT: Didn't see two previous posts. ...Wouldn't...a player be able to choose however they want to play? I, as a player, should be able to choose to use cotton candies however I like to use them. The recent decision to change cotton candy to half-revive, feel like a farther penalty for players, especially more causal players, when the game is already so difficult. That's all I can say about it.
  14. I'm not a good strategist-I'm extremely a causal player who is in it for the story and collecting pokemon-so it's inevitable that my pokemons will faint a lot. My usual strategy is, throw in a tank pokemon who can take hits, and I'll use that turn to revive my attackers. :/ So...-shrugs-
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