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  1. The place you arrived from west gearen city, not the individual stations
  2. Seems like you already made a choice, i would take turtwig cuz i like him way more then fennekin. Or Flip a coin really on a side note the game has made some starters very hard to acces, starters like froakie and torchic will be unavailable until far into the game (lvl90)
  3. They should still be there on saturdays(?), there are different trainer battles for each day talk to some people in the top right
  4. Let's see what i remember; natu is actually unobtainable as of right now cuz he's only at the arceus tower that is now closed off Corsola/eelektrik/dhelmise can be found underwater encounters in azurine lake( breed for tynamo) smeargle: encounter in mysidia cave which is east of the chrysolia(?) forest Whismur and loudred can be obtained as events before city restoration but unobtainable after restoration Plusle/ minun are in the underground right below the salon, they're hidden event pokemon for which u need pokesnax, this might be limited to only one of the two but i somehow got both throughout the episodes so maybe its certain days u get one and certain days u get the other Litleo is a wild encounter in that underground i think torkoal: wild encounter in chrysolia springs Seviper: event in place u encountered giant steelix or wild encounter where u find the larvitar relicanth: underwater in ametrine mountain joltik: wild encounter in peridot
  5. Yh waiting on request now <3<3<3
  6. Yh i'm on gimme a sec to find some bad mons online name is sasquatcher thx man
  7. Hi i'm going for a full dex and there are a few pokemon that i seem to unable to get right now, i am in need of a natu and a whismur. I can trade you basically any pokemon in the game for them I also have need for a lileep and/or kabuto just for convenience sake because mining i a paaaaaiiiin.
  8. Sasquatch


    Huh so they are... woopsie Thanks
  9. Sasquatch


    Hi, I'm trying to complete the pokedex and i don't have a trapinch, it used to be a game corner prize but that changed sometime and after that it was a trade in chrysolia, that was a different trade in an earlier episode. I don't remember what he gave you then but it was for cryogonal i believe. Anyway is there any other way to get a trapinch or reactivate the hiker trade so i can trade him a mothim?
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