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About Pausaunias

  • Birthday 12/17/1994

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    You want war??? Bring it ON!!!!!!!

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. because mu PC died and i didnt save ep 16 file, it is possible sm could give me it or give me a good page to download it (preferible the first). I am sorry if this is not the forum for the specifoc matter
  3. oooooooh, ithought there was only one oasis and you needed to hit the star 3 times or sm, thnx for the help
  4. I saw first the run that Shofu had in youtube and i pretty much knew that Lin was the knight that Titania kills but in my run was the brown hait boy (one of the evils team leader's son) who got stabbed and i really had started to like him. What IS GOING ON!!!!! plz tell me.... At the beggining of the episode i choose to be followed by him, does that made this possible?
  5. 1) I hate the level cap where your poke starts disobeying you. In official pokemon games there is that, but the lvl cap is much higher and normally you dont reach it one way or the other. In fan games in the other hand is a painfull story. 2) The good items are kinda rare or not easily aproachable. Most times thats the fault of specific events which get reset after an epesode or two and you loose the opportunity to do it and earn the chance to get some items which you ll be able to get when the game is complete after some episodes (which means some years probably) 3) the rare revive items. In some poke games you cannot buy in any way revive items which is clearly bad and you loose chances, in gamepley, and precious time that you cannot spent only in a game.
  6. my problem is that i cannot find magma rift because i didnt chose the stone. from what i have searched i have to find the backdoor to the mountain where i have to go eventually. Also as i have seen it seams because of that i wont melt the ice in the shop. So i miss everything in between as what i have to do EDIT: i found Crawli -_-. he was in the GYM but because my ep9 gym is bugged i have to go through 8th ep solved Gym where i can enter Crawli;s room.
  7. I have decided to save the elder and dont take the stone. then i returned in the mansion, finishing all the buisness back in the cave, and i saw the event with Venam. Actually i am in the part where i have to find again Crawli -_-. i have searched all the map litterally and i cannot find him or any other member of the guys who where on my group. what i have to do?????
  8. if you have the previous ep is actually dodgeable so you can return to ep 9 after you finish the gym in ep 8.
  9. i went and done it now in ep8 with the holes so.........plz fix the problem guys
  10. i have to say one thing!!!!!! i hate you XD. offcourse i am joking XD but maaaaan this puzzle AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!. i have stuck to the third part of the puzzle with the ariados. plz help me, the ariados dont move and the few moves i have dont help at all. tell me because i dont know if i am wrong with sm or if it is a bug!!! EDIT!!: Is there any chance to ep9 to get a corrupted save file message??? i want to know in order to save it if yes!
  11. man.......i put m first run in insane mod and man its difficult. its kinda strange, its not reborn difficult (i dont mean normal mod of the game) but its more difficult, but it doesnt give the same vibe. Also i really good thing is that for the first time in my life i find the opportunity to use more than 6-8 pokemon in order to advance in story making my gameplay more strategic and more fun. gg!
  12. thnx for the replys, i didnt knew about the new ep coming so soon because i didnt search the whole think at all but thnx for telling me!!!
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