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About TheRockGhost72

  • Birthday 07/12/1995

Profile Information

  • Alias
    That Nigs
  • Gender
  • Location
    The U.S. and Japan at the same damn time
  • Interests
    Sports, Pokemon, Technology, Money, When t.v. shows we good, Family, Keeping Freindships after high-school

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Happy Birthday! ^_^ 

    Wishing you a day full of wonderful surprises :D 

    1. Alphagar


      Happy Birthday!!

  3. You are an amazing person with a beautiful soul. I have found it. Thank you so much!!!!!
  4. Will I find it if I start at the beach and go directly up towards reborn city? Am I looking for a small opening to the k area on the right side of the screen? Thanks for your help!
  5. I cannot find the king (k) area. I have found the two f areas and the two s areas but cannot find k. I have the k33 key and no where to go. Please help!!!
  6. This is a great idea but I'm afraid of this being a copy of a much better supported and graphically enhanced versus battle system that is in pokemon showdown or any of the new pokemon games that have released this year. What will this new online battle system do to draw in hardcore, or even casual internet pokemon players? The trading is a great idea all around though.
  7. They already plan around a level cap though wouldn't you say? That's the reason they show us it to know what us as players limits are.
  8. I don't know if this is a spoiler or not so I won't give the level but there is only one more badge level cap. After that players can level their pokes up to 100. Their will be people who will take advantage of that and become OP. The gyms past this point don't stand a chance unless Ame makes the leaders max leveled too. To a player like you or I, the game will seem like a cake walk anyway but, are you suggesting that after the point of the next badge that Ame should max out all AI plus their levels for the rest of the game? That's ludicrous, no rapper. I just don't see how much tougher you guys think she can make it without ruining the experience when we are this far in and about to be free to train with no consequences. Or are you mostly talking about making the game harder for a second, third, etc....play through?
  9. P.S. :The episode was short Great!!!!!!
  10. To those of you complaining about the easiness of the games most current releases, I agree but understand the role of the creator. I have been with reborn since episode 8 so I know the tremendous amount of stress, hardship, anger, and pain that most players who played these earlier versions of reborn went through. We made through with trial and error but some did not, some could not. There were entire topics geared toward Ame and her team to make the game less difficult and the gym leaders much dumber. After so many disgruntled fans of the game spoke out, Ame, as the maker of Reborn, had to do something. It would not be fair to the entire community to make a game that only some could play and even less could enjoy because of difficulty. She rewrote and nerft, but not too much, and we are left with a still challenging and enjoyable game. Now the lengths of the episodes is a different issue, they should be much MUCH!!!! longer. But that is a different story for another time. Relax and let Ame shine guys.
  11. Is this thread just for rejuvenation saves or can I attach my messed up reborn 15 save here? If so, How do I attach? lol.
  12. Thanks alot. I really appreciate the help. P.s. I am also a huge house of cards fan. I noticed it in your bio.
  13. Awesome!!! That is great to hear. I'm not asking for a step by step process on how to trade between save files but could you point me in the right direction. I am a programmer of sorts and also know to rpg maker software to some extent. A few pointers as to how to go about those trades is all I need. P.s. I thought the new starter looked pretty cool and I liked those typings, lol. It is a fresh take but i will miss those original pokes.
  14. Im actually playing insurgence, just started really, and don't know many of the games features. Do you know enough about it to tell me if it is possible to get all three starters by trading them between save files. It would be so mother freakin awesome to have all those types at the beginning of the game as opposed to just fire, water, and grass.
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