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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by rykerr1

  1. Ah OK, I didn't realize gen 6 changed it. Thanks!
  2. I'm trying to breed a Lotad with Toxic and Giga Drain for a challenge run. I'm breeding a male Foongus that has Toxic, Giga Drain, and Synthesis and a female Lotad that only has Astonish. Toxic is a TM move for Lotad while Giga Drain and Synthesis are egg moves. The hatched Lotads are only getting Giga Drain and Synthesis. Am I doing something wrong? Or can TM moves no longer be bred like this?
  3. Oops, sorry about that! Just went and got the starter, should be good now. Game.rxdata
  4. I'd like to do a Dragon/Fairy run and was hoping you guys could help me get some dragon-type mons into my game! Goomy: -Modest Nature -Sap Sipper ability -any IVs are fine as long as they aren't bad Deino (I know Hydreigon is OP but it's my favorite dragon... and it takes a million years to evolve anyway): -Timid Nature -Earth Power and Dark Pulse egg moves -any IVs as long as they aren't bad If my mystery egg could also be set to Axew, that'd be fantastic. Thanks! Game.rxdata
  5. I'm at the part of the game with the island prison, when you're supposed to find the fallen antenna. Adam told me it fell near the castle, but it's just back where it was originally and I can't interact with it. Edit: I found the antenna, but the original one is still there and can't be interacted with.
  6. I'm trying to do the Phantump event. I went behind the waterfall in Goldenleaf at night, but I only see a grey and red door, no tree. How can I find the tree?
  7. Is there a secret to doing the Kecleon help request in Sheridan? I don't have 50,000 but I also can't fight the level 100 Kecleons in the dungeon.
  8. I read in the location guide that Cleffa is found in Route 2, but I've been running around in the grass for ages and still haven't found one. Is there a certain time of day for it, or an event that I need to do?
  9. I went in pretty underleveled and got hax-d to death by her Togekiss. Then I did some grinding (THANK YOU FOR AMETHYST FOR THE CLOWN) to get everyone into the 70s and went back. Here's what happened: -Tyrantrum lives an aura sphere from Togekiss, sets up stealth rocks. -Tyrantrum gets KO'd next turn. -Togekiss can't touch Simple Swoobat, so I get 3 calm minds up. She did T-wave me once, but I predicted that from the match where I got decimated, so I gave Swoobat a cheri berry! -Swoobat outspeeds and one shots her entire team with stored power! Not really sure if Swoobat would've outsped her Talonflame, but thanks to stealth rocks she used a hyper potion right after sending him in. I wasn't sure if this Swoobat was worth the time to breed initially but whenever he can get set up he cleans up shop! (also took out the new PULSE this episode)
  10. That really is dire O.o Thanks for the help though! I just found out that Pawniard is in the new episode so I *may* be replacing Aggron with him.
  11. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I probably should've given this in the original post, but my Aggron currently is: Impish + Sturdy -Protect (I had this on there for Arceus, to stall out focus blasts XD) -Iron Head -Strength (yea I need to ditch this) -Iron Defense (really wasn't sure what to put as the 4th move) I haven't really gotten into breeding in Reborn yet, but I think the Metal Burst set sounds like fun. I was planning to use him defensively or as some sort of gimmicky set, because I already have an Excadrill and he basically gets all of the same offensive coverage that Aggron would anyway. So beyond Stealth Rock from Tyrantrum, are there any other good defensive moves that are available to Aggron in Reborn?
  12. I've been able to play Reborn again this week after a bit of a hiatus and am not very happy with my Aggron's moveset. I've never used one beyond playthroughs of Sapphire long ago, so I'm not sure what moves are best. Does anyone have suggestions? It has an Impish nature and is level 57 if that helps.
  13. Well I'm doing a steel monotype right now. It was ridiculously difficult at first, but the last few gyms haven't been as bad. I've enjoyed it a lot, you should do it! Also: the steel-types available before Julia are Pineco, Burmy, and Piplup. I basically got through her by evolving Burmy and then praying a lot.
  14. Oh that works? I didn't know that, thanks!
  15. This may be a silly question, but is it possible for the Pokemon traded to you by NPCs to be shiny? I love shiny Escavalier and I want to use one in my team.
  16. The hiker was around before Julia, but the event wouldn't start until after I beat her. Anyway, I have 2 badges now. Really wishing I'd rememberd that Klink is around BEFORE Florinia, because it would've made her Cradily less of a nuisance. Thankfully, her Cradily doesn't know any grass type moves, so I ended up taking her down with Onix. Does anyone have suggestions for the fighting and fire type gym leaders? I think they're going to be the toughest ones for me, especially since I'll have two pokemon that are 2x weak to fire on my team (Forretress and Wormadam).
  17. Do you know where the hiker was? Because I never found an Onix when I played episode 11, though I'm sure I missed a lot. Right, he gets headbutt. So that'll save me a few levels of griding with bidoof. Thanks!
  18. Oh right I forgot about burmy too. Is Bidoof the only pokemon before Julia that gets headbutt?
  19. Oh I forgot about headbutting, thanks for the tip.
  20. Oh geez you're right. I'd probably have to cheat a little bit and use another pokemon, then ditch it after her gym....
  21. I'm really interested in doing a second playthrough with a steel monotype team. Does anyone have suggestions for Pokemon? I'm thinking I'll choose Piplup as my starter and probably use a Magnemite and Karrablast. Not sure what else would be best.
  22. rykerr1


    I've been lurking around here for a while but just made an account today; I started playing Reborn a few weeks ago and have been loving it so far, I just finished episode 11 and am downloading 12 right now. So hi everyone!
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