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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Hiss13

  1. Please tell me I'm not the only one who dislikes the prospect of Pokemon games moving to a new console mid-generation...

    1. FairFamily


      if it stops lag, I will be quite happy.

    2. Dypatome


      I dislike the idea, but I'm also interested to see if it's going to flop like the Wii U did.

  2. Does anyone have a Breedject Regenerator Mareanie they would be willing to give away? I've gotten kinda tired of trying to search for one...

    1. Plok


      let me know when you're online

  3. She could feel her breath growing thin. The intense inferno was throwing all of the breathable air further and further up as the remainder of the air filled with the waste products of combustion. Aria knew she had to escape. There was a path there to escape through, after all. She had to escape. Aria looked to the scene of carnage that was unfolding and slowly stood up. She had to simply escape. She slowly made her way to the tunnel that everyone had headed to and then looked back, reflexively reaching for the staff she had holstered at her side. There was no point in going to help. The presence who had set all ablaze and taken back all those flames was something she could not face. She had long since become an incarnation of destruction the likes of which Aria could never even hope to slow down. A large beast was terrifying due to the size and illusion of a lack of control it could present. But, something like what Li had become before them was something entirely different. A human figure with that kind of malice surrounding it was nothing short of suffocating. Because she had a human figure, the killer intent felt more palpable to the point where it was constricting Aria’s heart. No matter how much she may want to turn back and fight back, she would not be able to. After all, she would be merely an ant before that girl. Standing near the entrance to the tunnel, Aria muttered. “It’s…not wrong to run…right?” In the end, her pride truly was meaningless.
  4. Mimikyu blocks just the first incidence of damage that it receives.
  5. Are these still available? If so, I'll get something ready after I get home. This would definitely cut some breeding time~
  6. "There was a bright smile on his face. But only because he had no idea what fate had in store for him 5 seconds later."


    This cliffhanger...

  7. 9/10 Sceptile is nice and relaxing is nice.
  8. There's an upcoming sequel to Code Geass. No, Sunrise. Don't do it. Don't ruin one of the most clean, conclusive endings to an anime I have ever seen. Please don't.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hiss13


      Touche, Dobbs. Touche.


      I'd say it's pretty conclusive. Leaves no loose ends that I can remember. Functions well enough as an endpoint that I didn't need to see more to understand it. I'd say it was conclusive. But, that's me.

    3. Eviora


      Well, there was *one* way that it wasn't conclusive. I guess season 3 nullifies that. A shame; it was best left up to interpretation.

    4. Shamitako


      There was actually a lot left to interpretation beyond that. Which in a way is why it was such a satisfying end

  9. Mimikyu gave me a high five. I love you, Mimikyu.

    1. Cepheus



    2. Alistair


      I DON'T

      (jk everyone does)

  10. Why is the music in Sun and Moon so goooood?

  11. After getting her burns healed and getting a good night rest, Aria walked into the auditorium in the morning feeling greatly refreshed. So, what if things went awry and well out of the margin of what she would have preferred to happen? Aria’s pride was not something that would break so easily. After all, she was still human. Deciding to leave her longcoat at the dorms, she was only wearing her usual long-sleeved blue blazer, miniskirt, black stockings, and boots. There was no need to wear that fluttery piece of clothing everywhere, especially if it was not too cold. Aria sauntered over to the front row and sat next to Leo. She definitely had to apologize for going ballistic before. Though, whether or not her pride would allow her to apologize was a different story altogether.
  12. "The true name he had given the curse-reversal circle said the following: I supply lightning for thy death. It was a truly ironic phrase for the strongest of the Electromasters." Ooooooooooooooh~

  13. So, after watching the first episode of the Sun and Moon anime, I can honestly say that it's...pretty good. I legitimately enjoyed it. The change in the color palette combined with a more whimsical approach to the animation really bring out the more upbeat and relaxed nature that you get from a region like Alola.

    1. Monochrome_Complex


      Ash looks so ugly though. If his design was fixed it'd look a lot better. The animation is excellent though. Opening is super cool too.

  14. Why is so much awesome stuff coming out this November?

    1. Vinny


      Nothing ever happens in November so 'they' have to compensate~

  15. Meanwhile, Aria's just...doing something. If we switch to a new day, can I say she got healed off screen?
  16. Kishinami Hakuno's (♀) slow walk cycle in Fate/Extra is wonderful. That sass. That nonchalance~

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