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Everything posted by Hiss13

  1. I swear, mental sarcasm and bait detectors are terrible on the internet. The amount of false positives and false negatives you get are crazy. Here's the problem. A lot of what you are talking about is due to the choices of people. That's where the main issue arises. You can't force people to change what they want. But, considering that you're talking about percentage of women in law school as an example, you are fully aware of the fact that the 77 cent figure (which is what I am assuming what Eviora is talking about till she says otherwise) is a general median figure. Any scientist would look at the lack of accounting for external variables and laugh. In the end, there are a ton of external factors that lead to that figure including total hours, overtime pay, frequency of men vs women in each field, and job tenure, each of which are all generally individual choices. I'd site the CONSAD report, done by the US Department of Labor, which pretty much did a meta analysis and concluded "The differences in raw wages may be almost entirely the result of the individual choices being made by both male and female workers." It's a long report though the Foreword does a nice job of summing up the findings. Long story short, the 77 cent figure is used as a tool to generate fear of some patriarchy while at the same time hiding the meaning of the figure. The choices of an individual play a huge role in that figure. It's something that can really only be fixed by changing individual choices and frankly, I would rather see an individual making their own choices. If someone focuses on that 77 cent figure, then I should say that fatal workplace injury is also a matter of inequality because of the 92-8 men-women ratio.
  2. I have. And all the statistics and research I have looked into pretty much paint a different picture from what you're saying. If you're referring to the 77 cent to a dollar figure, then you clearly have not looked into how that figure was calculated or what it actually means. There is a difference between an earnings gap and a pay gap. If you are not, then I have no idea what you are referring to. Also, damn. That response of yours is incredibly condescending.
  3. I finally remembered what it was that I wanted to comment on here. When did the Equal Pay Act of 1963 become null and void? There's an earnings gap, yes. But, if there were any hint of pay discrimination based on sex, there would be lawsuits everywhere. Because it's illegal. EDIT: I just stuck my hand into a hornet's nest on this one. Hehehe. But, I've heard this so many times that it pisses me off.
  4. Rinne is a savage. Watching that last scene on Vivid Strike episode 4 where she just walks straight up to her bullies and proceeds to break their arms and slam their heads into the shoe lockers was so wonderfully cathartic.

    1. Sutoratosu


      She fucking killed them all... hot damn.

      I have no idea what this anime even is... I just watched that one specific scene...

  5. Keeping hold of her staff-mace, Aria followed along behind the others. Putting it away would require her actually kneeling down and putting it in her bag and the last thing she would want to do was to exacerbate the pain from the burns on the left side of her body by putting more pressure onto them than necessary. Besides, it was all she could do to walk behind everyone and it would be fairly obvious to anyone who decided to look at her that she was feeling far from comfortable. After all, her body was starting to glisten from what her sweat glands were pouring out. “I’m Aria Lunacanta. I come from Medulla, though I left to explore on my own about a year ago.” She gave her quick introduction while standing tall as usual. Even if her body was showing that she was in pain, she was stubborn enough to make sure that speech could not be evidence for that.
  6. Actually, I just realized she wouldn't know about Lasia's or even where to find her...Mmmm... What to do here...
  7. Mimikyu Song with English subs. Just so you can cry a bit more. Please remember to adopt a Mimikyu. They just want some love.
  8. Delay E16 by another week. Ask for release date. (´・ω・`)

  9. The change seemed almost instant. Aria had been in deadlock with Leo while keeping an eye on what was going on elsewhere. All she could see was flames in the background before her view had completely changed. One second, she was on the battle field in that deadlock. In the next she was laying on her back somewhere off the battlefield. As Aria forced herself back to her feet, she felt the searing pain from the left side of her body as she struggled to keep herself steady. She knew it was stupid, but her pride would not allow her to take a knee to wait out the pain, even if half of her body was screaming. In the meantime, she stared back at the battlefield she was thrown off of in order to get a look at what had happened and saw one of the competitors she never paid attention to pinned to the ground with an arrow at her neck. “What did that idiot do…?”
  10. OG Liz, Caster Liz, Saber Liz, Carmilla. All in one party. Glorious.

  11. ...I can't sit on benches...ALOLA IS RUINED!

    1. Swampellow


      That's the paid dlc

  12. More characters. Including a GHOST LOLI!!! SHE'S SO CUUUUUUTE!
  13. The way I see it, we can do two things. One: Haruki gets to fuck around and burn someone's clothes off and then it ends. Two: We just end it here.
  14. pls no bully Shelly

    1. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      Shelly IS the bully

  15. So, I think the only characters left active in the fight are Haruki and Rame...right?
  16. Elongated/10 (9.00000000000000000000000000001/10)
  17. *Sees a skeleton cowboy* This is the best thing ever.

    1. Combat


      I prefer skeleton wizards, but to each there own.

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