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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Hiss13

  1. "I'll show her that a happy ending can exist." -Willard H. Wright

    1. Amanojaku


      This arc is one of the best!

  2. Given how Team Skull members get their outfits, I reeeeeally want to be able to purchase Team Skull's grunt outfit in Sun and Moon.

  3. "A perfect miniature garden exists to be utterly destroyed."

  4. So, in retrospect...telling everyone I would be away through status is a terrible idea. Luckily, I can rectify that. I'm in India till the 7th. My internet here ranges from shoddy to non-existent so no posts from me till I get home.
  5. So, in retrospect...telling everyone I would be away through status is a terrible idea. Luckily, I can rectify that. I'm in India till the 7th. My internet here ranges from shoddy to non-existent so no posts from me till I get home.
  6. A beautiful Index NT15 MAD. Mikoto fans will love it.
  7. Welp. Starting this Saturday, I'll be in a hell of spiders, mosquitoes, monsoons, and terrible internet called Rural India for two weeks. As such, I shall vanish from the face of the internet for two weeks.

  8. Hmm. I do want to join this one...but I don't have much spare time...and I'll be out of the country for two weeks starting this Saturday...Decisions, Decisions...
  9. What the actual fuck actually happened while I was snoozing...?

    1. Shamitako


      It's best this goes unanswered

    2. Hiss13


      I sleep through all of this site's big ugly drama, huh. Maybe that's for the best.

  10. Let's all love Lain!

  11. It's a terrible feeling to look at a character you dislike and feel like you're looking in a partially distorted mirror.

  12. It dawned on me that Ash is actually short the moment I saw him standing next to Lysandre. Ether that or Lysandre is super tall.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azeria


      Lysandre is a confirmed giant.

    3. Hiss13


      Considering Lysandre descended from AZ, another giant, that would make a surprising amount of sense.

    4. Azeria


      Even in the game, he's much taller than most other people.

  13. Isolda Grace, Crimson. Time: 1st day of the Year of Rebirth. Afternoon 3:30 PM At the very least, her conversational partner seemed to understand that looking down on her was the best idea. Prideful as she was, Isolda was not going to hold a grudge on him for something so petty. Still, it was likely a good idea to note that maybe hinting at her nature as a vampire straight off the bat would have helped avoid this. She had always assumed that her appearance would be enough to do the trick but apparently it was not. “I was honestly looking for some source of entertainment myself. We could always join together, seeing as neither of us has anything to do.” She replied. “But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Isolda Grace.”
  14. Why does Kodaka like killing my favorite characters?

    1. Fumble



      tbh I'd kill that character too if I was the mastermind, seeing how that character has something that can make them op

    2. IdleThoughts


      Honestly, that character would of been easy to kill if two people teamed up and brought a flashlight with them.

  15. Students running in packs to gather food and water supplies while running away from killer monsters...you'd never think it was Index just based on that...

  16. 6/10 Only because it feels like it's stopped right before a kiss which is just awkward.
  17. Watching the new DanganRonpa 3 episode made me question one thing: What the hell would Togami do for his practical exam?

    1. AuthorReborn


      Do you mean "Togami" or Togami?

    2. Hiss13


      Rich Togami. Not Fatogami.

    3. AuthorReborn


      Probably just show up and explain all the insane achievments he makes on a daily basis. The guy might be egotistical, but he often has the intelligence, resourcefulness, and will to achieve most things he sets his mind on.

  18. Snails: The most potent and dangerous beasts in existence

    1. Jacobliterator


      And great in pies so I'm told.

    2. InnocentSerenity


      Demonic creatures, those snails.

  19. Isolda Grace, Crimson. Time: 1st day of the Year of Rebirth. Afternoon 3:30 PM …and he just kept on going. It was not too surprising how easily condescending one could be to someone who looked her age. It was useful on the battlefield where enemies would subconsciously assume her to be fragile or weaker than she actually was. There was one point where she had even been offered a sweet by an enemy who thought she was a child that got lost on the battlefield. Needless to say, he became a nice source of nourishment as thanks for his kindness. But, allies who did this were far more annoying to deal with, especially when they continued to talk down to her after her first attempt to give off an air of age. “Vampires like myself don’t age and we don’t have to worry about things like tolerance. It strikes quite a wonderful balance in our palettes as we can drink without worrying about passing out drunk on the floor with a headache the next morning.” She gave him a refined smile that not look out of place on a porcelain doll, affixing her usual doll-like appearance. Isolda was well aware she was being passive-aggressive. But, she did not mind. Judging someone based on appearance truly was an arrogant act.
  20. Isolda Grace, Crimson. Time: 1st day of the Year of Rebirth. Afternoon 3:30 PM As usual, she had been taken for a little girl and was being treated like one. No matter how old she was and how much her experiences melded together, she never enjoyed being treated like a little kid. In that case, all she needed to do was simply be her overtly prideful self. “There’s a point in one’s life when all festivities begin to look the same. Frankly, I’ve been long since passed that point. At this point, it’s just another mindless stupid party which does nothing but bore me to hell and back. There’s only so much alcohol I can drink before I start to hit that odd point of diminishing returns.”
  21. Pfft. DanganRonpa 3 making fun of people who drop shows at episode 3 and come back months later. Classy.

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