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  1. Sooo how many of you guys are gonna spam in the comment section to tell them to thoroughly update the game to 18?
  2. OK I'll bite, I there another way to open this? I've downloaded this just now and this pops up -_-'''
  3. I tried putting in the last one Teal, but it won't accept, I got the right color it just won't accept it
  4. r2-d3po

    Menu bug?

    So when I was at the menu after pressing X, it won't let me move up or down when I'm trying to check on stuff like my items and pokemon, why is it like this, and it's not just rejuvination, it's also reborn, desolation, godra, the legends of the arena, Gray topaz, and pokemon Archaic legacy, which I recently downloaded. Edit: and it's not just the start menu, when I went into the PC, won't move as well.
  5. r2-d3po


    How in the living heck do i get out of this...I'm on version 6 by the way Edit: never mind I found it, someone kindly please close this topic.
  6. I could breed my spiritomb for a froakie...wait is it allowed to trade if it's still an egg? also is the guy who started all of this still here?
  7. r2-d3po


    I meant that the Haxorus was probably killed by a hydregon and the egg fell out of a nest nearby where we saw it and we might battle the hydregon to save the egg, that might happen.....also the 10 link stone.....yeah after getting all the tickets i kinda used the money hack from cheat engine and bought all the stones XD
  8. r2-d3po


    I bet 10 link stones that we have to fight a high lvl hydregon for the axew egg
  9. okay good news...after getting myself stuck at the new city I recently found out when you go to the entrance on the city side where it goes from route 3 to Calcenon city, a person asks to pay 40,000 to rebuild it no lies check it for your selves I'm going to make eggs as promised Edit: sorry for the double post...how do you PM I'm kinda new to PM-ing
  10. So I'm assuming this is for the next episode or this is one of Ame's ways of torturing us XD
  11. I'm willing to trade these guys, all shinies, for maybe the following: Lucario one of the kalos(minus chespin) and Hoenn starters Tyrantrum and any other shinies that you guys have to offer if i ever get the chance....i might breed some of the recent pokemon that were kicked out of the game( Ex: Magikarp/Gyarados) or relocated to a different location(Ralts) But for now I'm kinda stuck at the new city......you'll soon know what i mean.
  12. thanks here's the beast that holds the very move:
  13. sooooooo I'm curious on this one, is it possible to use rock climb still cuz i got this cave beast that has the move BTW: how do you post a picture from the game ._.?
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