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  1. Am I the only one around here that worried about the website's icon ?

    This is the only website in my fav list that doesn't have one. Why ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seki108


      Can also confirm it shows up on my favorites in Chrome for me.

    3. Amethyst


      it could be a cache issue perhaps?

    4. L3n10T


      Nope I'm using Firefox and since the last big website's update I have no icon...

      I cleared the cache so many times that I'm sure it's not this.

  2. OK so nobody have a solution to my question... thank to @Okirua for your quick answer. I think it's unresolvable till the Controller (known as Gamepad) configuration in the F1 menu is unclear.
  3. Hi everyone, I have an XBOX 360 but the game doesn't respond to its buttons... So is anybody know how to play Reborn with an XBOX 360 controller without installing any softwares that I don't want to install on my PC? Answer much appreciated Thank's PS: I have already tried some third-party applications but I don't want to use one anymore. So If you are going to say "Yes with XXX you can configure your controller...." just hold your answer in your mind; I don't want to read some off topic answers!
  4. So my Gengar was just shutdown by an Hyper Beam!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. L3n10T


      I didn't expect that these kind of abilities would exist...

    3. NickCrash


      I know how you feel. Gen6 made a huge improvement on the gameplay with added strategies and things like that can easily abuse them and bypass immunities (sort of speaking). Now with gen7 they tried t expand on that but till now I am only disappointed. Check the terrain moves and you'll understand why.

    4. L3n10T


      I feel the same way ... but btw thanks for the infos

  5. No longer access to the 9th floor in Obsidia Dept. Store
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