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    Music, Dota 2, Pokemons~!

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  1. I'm just starting breeding spree; does anyone have a spare Rhyhorn or other trick-room abusers?
  2. You should have some back up saves in "save" folder. With name of your character and time played. Also, haven't you heard about link stones?
  3. Youtuber named Baumi (Dota2stuff). He did a playthrough. Whole 3 or 4 episodes. But hey, I liked it!
  4. With Shiny Charm, you have like 1/33 chance to get a shiny. So if you are patient enough, you still can breed yourself a shiny easily.
  5. First was Red, but after that I fell in love with Gold.
  6. Froakie: Beldum: Looking for some scary pokes, starters or mystery eggs. I will prefer shiny ones, but those with decent IV and moves are perfect too. (Already have Greninja, Delphox, Metagross, some other ones on the way) Also, if you want different ability or nature, let me know. I got loads of Scales and Capsules. PS: I will prefer Growlithe (with Close Combat., dont care about IV) and Togepi (with Extrasensory) Also I can give Axew. Lol.
  7. Greatest thing? After whole week of breeding, I finally got shiny Magnemite with good IV and modest nature. Whole f**king week. I will make more weeks like this :3
  8. Got a lot good IV Feebas (Feebases? lol). Also Modest ones, with Brine AND Dragon Pulse. I am kinda Shiny Hunting, but I don't have a heart to release good pokes. PM if interested, we can make a trade.
  9. StL Rampardos for the win! (aDrive). I am watching Nappy, Shady and aDrive, if I am bored also Patterz and Mo. And I belive that aDrive will be in finals! ^^ By the way, all games are pretty funny and enjoyable.
  10. Looks at thread. I got thunder-punch/fire-punch Chimchar to breed and trade. Looking for Larvesta (any IV, natures, whatever). I can even give Blue moon ice cream as an extra. Great! It will happen! Looks on the rules. Welp. I think I should go defeat Serra... I am sad.
  11. Well, kinda reviving old topic, but I got the same problem. I played Reborn (ep 15 finished), started new save file, but I need a break. Zeta/Omicron Nuzlocked and Randomized (Adamant Beautifly ftw) I don't like fakemons too much, so Uranium is out of question. I would also prefer finished good pokegames/ those with gen5/gen6 mechanics. By the way, if ROM hacks, I would need an emulator, so... Help is needed.
  12. Welcome back! You helped me a lot in first playthrough. And someone is already creating new quide, so maybe contact him and work together? ^.^
  13. Well, thank You. I will try out your changes as soon as I will have some free time. ^.^
  14. Well... Just any advices or criticism, tell me what do You thing. Malamar: Ability: Contrary, Item: Leftovers Nature: Adamant EV: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Spe -Superpower, -Knock Off -Psycho Cut -Rock Slide. Sweeper. If it gets to +2, it usually kills 3 -4 pokes on it's own. Rotom-Fan: Ability: Levitate (he really hates ground types, double immune) Item: Leftovers Nature: Modest EV: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP -Air Slash -Dark Pulse -Volt Switch -Will-o-wisp It is really, really strong with good coverage. Golurk: Ability: No Guard Item: Life orb Nature: Adamant EV: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def -Shadow Punch -Dynamic Punch -Earthquake -Thunderpunch No body expect Dynamic Punch, it usually kills in 1 hit with it or EQ. What is funny, I usually don't use other moves... Typhlosion: Ability: Blaze Item: Life orb Nature: Timid EV: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP -Eruption -Lava Plume -Toxic -Focus Blast Burns everything, outspeeds almost everything. Electivire: Ability; Vital Spirit Item: Life orb Nature: Jolly EV: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP -Earthquake -Ice Punch -Thunderpunch -Brick Break It hurts. A lot. Crustle: Ability:Sturdy Item: Leftovers Nature: Adamant EV: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 SpD -X scissor -Earthquake -Night Slash -Rock slide Worse in whole team, I think of replacing it. PS - No idea how to put images here :c
  15. I don't know who You are, but I love You! ^.^ And some underrated games had a lot of good villains. For example Two Worlds, that dude is just so nice to You. <3 And Dagoth Ur. If You haven't played Morrowind,You should do that now.
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