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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Groteska

  1. Little questions about breeding and EV (I think it should be good topic): As I wanna start new game with ep.14, I also want to do breeding/ev training. And... 1. Which starters can be breed in some seriously strong pokes? (And what nature/ev spread/moves do You recommend for them?) 2. How much time is between putting pokes into daycare and getting the egg? 3. When is best time for full-time leveling? As soon as I get Ditto and start breeding, or wait as I go further in the story? 4. And about passing down moves - pokemon just had to know move we want to breed? (And little one had to could learn it via breeding, of course~)
  2. I belive this area is in spoiler (by DerpySimon) in that topic: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=3876&page=50&hl=%2Btanzan+%2Bmountain+%2Bwest#entry140490 But for the god's sake spoiler don't want to open now...
  3. I kinda wanna evolve Magnetone, but... I know, key to the room is in Tanzan Mountain West, just talked to Sapphire... and how do I get past those rock on stairs? Or is there another way?
  4. For the time being, new playthrough is veeery easy, but I wanna change some poke's; Now I got: Meowstic (look down for info) Roselia (that shit is amazing with leech seed, growth and giga drain) Ampharos (Confuse ray, thunder wave, power gem and waiting for discharge) Swampert (well... Waiting for good moves) Camerupt And now is the question. I am about to face Aya, and I know that some good pokes will be/are available. I kinda wanna change Camerupt for other fire one, I was thinking about Tepig evolution line (I belive they are ez to find), but I am open to some good advices. I am pretty sure I will catch Aron, he is just soooooo good in my opinion. But... I want to replace Meowstic also. And... I know Inkay with Superpower is pretty overpowered, but Gardevoir... Gardevoir is fun, Gardevoir is life. With one to choose? Thanks for the help, always newbie pokemaniac.
  5. It will took a lot of time and effort, but it will help new players a lot. Sadly, with each update will come new changes to even early states in a game, so... It could be some kind of neverending story. But if You wanna try, I am all for it!
  6. I think You need to get first badge first; at least I found him just after beating Julia. (well, Reborn can't be to easy, right?) ^.^ And yes, full thunderstorm. If You don't want to wait You can change Your computer date to found right day. (:
  7. So, I talked with Charlotte in her gym, I also met Fern in her city... But I am stuck now. I was hanging around route 4, talked to kids in their house, hanging out in a mountain and I don't know if is it a bug or something... But what do do? But to the main topic! I am completely amazed by this game, I am sure I will play one more (or even more...). And I was wandering about some kind of easy Monotype, or just some funny plays. Maybe "who let the dogs out" playthrough, with Chikorita as starter and only dog looking pokemons... If You have any ideas, feel free to tell. But don't be to harsh, I am not so good in poke games. (: And I didn't know in what forum place it, so... Don't be mad. ^.^
  8. Well, I didn't knew about those bug use. Thank You. But it seems that my game crushed - first those two pokes spawn far from themselfs, then, after I defeat Pinsir,wait a little bit for him to break web spins (they were little bit out of my sight), I tried to move and... Shit. I can only do quicksaves. Can't move or anything. Help? EDIT: Same problem as in: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9891
  9. Okay, Malamar rules, Maloswine is overpowered. (one shot almost everyone!). But after one day of riding a Tauros I am pretty tired. Can anyone give a lot of hints/ make step by step guide "HOW TO FIND THOSE GLASSES?" I am just stuck, and I want to get all the stickers. :c
  10. Thank You for help, we will see if Inkay will evolve. Mamoswine is really cool. But on the hunt! Shelmet is on Azurine Island, right? Cause Escavalier seems so good for my team, I just need it.
  11. I got one question about Piloswine. By reading Bulbapedia I find out about whole "ancient power" thing to evolve, but how can I get it on my 41lvl Piloswine? Is there any TM or something in a game? I am asking becouse tommorow I will propably fight with Aya so I could use some overpowered Earthquakes. :Kappa: P.S. And little advise, is Inkay a good way to go? I would like to know how to evolve him.
  12. For the time being, i got an Onix (may be replaced with rock/sth type, because ground type seems to be pretty useless). I also caught Pumpkaboo (ghost/grass). Is it worth to use link stone to evolve him? I never had a ghost pokemon in my life (it is terrifying. I played pokemon games since I to IV generation o.O) If not those to, Magnimite and Venosaur for the future could be good. And Crustle or Aron... Maybe ^^ And as a total 'competative', I dont even know how breeding works xD Special attacker... What pokes that I could meet right know will be good? Azumarill has pretty much similar Attack/special attack, but 2 of mine are veeery physical And btw, I am still at episode 11. and looking on how fast i go on, I can easily wait for episode 13 with downloading XD
  13. First of all, 'hello' to everyone on this forum. I am pretty noob in poke games, so... If You have any advice, feel free to tell. I wanna change my current team a little bit. (I am just after 3 gym) Delphox and Azumarill are out of topic. They are freaking strong, I will definitely keep them. Vibrava is starting to getting strong, so I will run with it also fot the time being. But Butterfree is getting weeker now, catching Noibat seems to be worst decision ever (still get oneshoted by most pokemons) Hariyama... Well, I dont like Fighting type very much, but this pokemon help me sooooo much in this game. But I will replace it with Scraggy soon. (That ghost gym makes me afraid, I know its very hard...) (and all my pokes are around 35 lvl) And that is my question. What other pokemons should be good to make a full team viable (maybe around 8 pokemons, it should be fine). Maybe some good rock type, or a grass one, maybe electric? If You have any advice, feel free to tell, and thanks for help. ^^ And also thank You for this game, it best one of all pokemon games!
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