First of all, 'hello' to everyone on this forum. I am pretty noob in poke games, so... If You have any advice, feel free to tell.
I wanna change my current team a little bit. (I am just after 3 gym)
Delphox and Azumarill are out of topic. They are freaking strong, I will definitely keep them. Vibrava is starting to getting strong, so I will run with it also fot the time being. But Butterfree is getting weeker now, catching Noibat seems to be worst decision ever (still get oneshoted by most pokemons)
Hariyama... Well, I dont like Fighting type very much, but this pokemon help me sooooo much in this game. But I will replace it with Scraggy soon. (That ghost gym makes me afraid, I know its very hard...) (and all my pokes are around 35 lvl) And that is my question. What other pokemons should be good to make a full team viable (maybe around 8 pokemons, it should be fine). Maybe some good rock type, or a grass one, maybe electric? If You have any advice, feel free to tell, and thanks for help. ^^ And also thank You for this game, it best one of all pokemon games!