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    playing karthus on league, writing code, lifting, and playing anime styled games while hating all anime shows
  1. *throws pitchfork at guy who forgot spoiler tags* they are not hard to make m8 you put the word spoiler in between [] at the start of you work and at the end it is /spoiler in between []
  2. quite right about comfey, i will agree it is the more flexiable choice but ribombee still has a niche role it can fill, due to it being able to learn both light screen or reflect you can set up some defenses to cover yourself as you attempt to set up a quiver dance/support your tank mon via pollen puff. here is an example set you can run for it Timid nature, 252 speed, 252 special attack, 4 defense. Moves : light screen/reflect, quiver dance, pollen puff, dazzling gleam. and for items you have a few options in bugium z or fairyum z or you can opt to run choice specs and swap out quiver dance and your screen move slot for energy ball and psychic but i lean in favor of bugium z since if you do z quiver dance it restores your health giving you added survivalbility on what would be an otherwise frail af mon. i mean also with ribombee you can remove added affects from moves, which can make or break a situation if say your opponent is running a power up punch life orb lucario, that lucario wouldn't get the set up it wants to sweep. but i see where you are coming at with comfey, it is fast and has decent defense but that flaw it has is if it gets poked it dies with that abysmal health stat, it will not be healing long if it can't get some sort of a defense up. So maybe it will be smart to run ribombee and comfey together? they can support each other with their signature healing moves and ribombee's speed can allow a screen to be set up followed by comfey setting up grassy terrain. Then after that ribombee quiver dances and heals comfey when needed and comfey keeps ribombee topped off till you can dazzling gleam your foe to death.
  3. all of this talk about the new pokemon in singles but i feel some VGC coming on i believe ribombee will have some useage in VGC formats due to that signature move it has where it can heal your ally mons at will or hurt your opponent which fills the role of recovery move and offensive stab in one move slot. it seems really gimmicky but fun at the same time to run with say a follow me eviolite clefairy? i can't wait to see the utter insanity it can do if it is truly useable.
  4. i should really post more often then once every few months lel anyway...
  5. yeah the gyms were abit of a push over for the most part but hardcore exists for a reason you know.... because suffering is magical~
  6. it depends in all honesty with me i go digital if i can get the game cheaper or its on steam or is free i go physical if the box looks cool
  7. been awhile since i posted something here so.... .... i must ask what have i become?
  8. rockruff evolution night form? no way someone can ruin the image of an edgy dark wolf right?? well i will try
  9. pft, who needs a mega ring when Blazeikin is already broken as it is.... i highly doubt Ame would throw blazeikinite at our faces or the kanto mega stones for that matter, too good for us to have during the main story imo i just hope we get mega Altaria in E16, that would be glorious also please can we just kill off Fern now?
  10. To be honest the rant over the recent league episode is slightly unjustified
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