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About Equilim

  • Birthday April 12

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  1. 1: Misora 2: Fezzdog 3: Kamina dont kill me please 4: Momo 5: Equilim Sub1: Abbey Street Sub2: 2tousent Kyurem, Rayquaza, Giratina will be our bans.
  2. Welp as soon as this game comes out, I can assure that there's going to be a dramatic drop in player activity on Reborn. Gotta max out them social links. ALL THE WOMEN COME TO THE MC! YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR! Also while we're on the subject Minato >>>>>>>>>>>> Yu. I hate Minato's actual name so i refuse to use it.
  3. I actually play a lot of Hearthstone. Love it. One thing though. Hearthstone is a CCG (collectible card game). There is no trading of any kind. Just a small thing of note to people who have never played it.
  4. Ame's a Slifer Scrub! Congrats Dan! Earned it pal
  5. My options for players are as followed. Myself, Kam, Fezz, Abbey, Mik, rupe(maybe), Momo, Misora. That is 8 players and I was only JUST given 2 of them. The two options I was given were on the main roster this week right away. I did not sub out Kam for them as they were put on the roster along side him. Fezz was busy so as you can see I played the only 7 players I had available. As you can see that is an extremely small amount of players to choose from. I also have a small amount of people such as Huk who is almost ALWAYS too busy to participate. Or players like 2to who has said that they do not wish to play during certain weeks (though if either wants to play he need only ask). My skype is known by all of the active Ruin members as well as it being in the Ruin topic. If I have not seen someone on the server or in the Ruin channel in 5 weeks, I am simply not putting them on. If I were to make random assumptions to players being available, I might have an entire weeks roster of no shows. Asking me to do so is just foolish. Maybe you don't see it being in apophyll but when i have to practically BEG some people to participate in an event even though they're busy, there's nothing I can do. If you believe you can make a better roster for Ruin by all means, feel free to come to me with one and I'll explain exactly why I can not use it.
  6. I'm going to throw in my 2cents since, even though you said this wasn't directed at anyone in particular, I feel as though I'm the main person everyone is looking at. As it goes I have usually 6-8 players AT MOST to pick from. The weekly roster is only 7 people so as such my roster will almost ALWAYS look the same until i get more players. The main problem is a lot of new players sign up who come once if that and never show up. You can't look at the total number of players on a nation and say "Oh why can't you guys switch people around more like Apophyll does?". It's simply not an option. And when you add in the fact that I have so few players to pick from, as well as the fact that many players just don't want to be on the roster that week for whatever reason, of course I can't mix up players. However, except for Gaunt, no one in Ruin has complained about the way I make my roster. As for you Gaunt, I'm sorry I have no included you in. I don't see forum activity so I can't regularly check here to see if you're active. As you've already said, you're not active on the server so for all I know, you might just not be interested in Nations or busy. If you stop by and talk to me then I have no problem putting you on the roster. Roo has given me 2 extra players recently and I immediately put them both on. If my nation members have a problem with me putting Kam on every week, then they need only voice it to me and I'll happily not put him in. (unless Kam himself complains, then i don't care) While I'm on the subject, I understand that this is a community thing, but in the end this is a competition. I will use my best player when I see the need for it. But if I were to have 7 members come to me and want to be put on that week's roster, I would 100% place them. I just don't have them. If anyone has complaints please, don't hesitate to bring them up. When/if things change, I hope to have a more diverse roster.
  7. 1: Misora 2: Abbey Street 3: Mikzal 4: Kamina 5: Momo R1: rupe R2: Equilim
  8. For Ruin we'll be going with, 1: Equilim 2: Fezzdog 3: rupe 4: Abbey Street 5: Mikzal Reserve 1: Elmo12 Reserve 2: Kamina Odds are I'll be using the reserves because no one wants to play LC Doubles >_>.....
  9. As someone who is fairly new this is exciting to hear. It's almost like getting a little taste of what the league was like. You can bet as soon as it starts up I will definitely participate.
  10. Week 3 victory: COMPLETE. Good job guys. To the battlers, keep it up. To the people that didn't battle, you'll get your chance. I expect nothing less from Ruin! Crushing defeat of our enemies. Failure is no longer an option for us period. I want a 5-0 guys. Make it happen. We're the flat out best. Show'em!
  11. Reporting a 4-0 win against Epic C. for the glory of Ruin supremacy. http://pastebin.com/DRDPrSyG
  12. Good Job getting us first blood 2to! for someone who said they were so nervous you did a fantastic job.
  13. For Ruin it will be: 1: Kam 2: Rupe 3: Abbey Street 4: 2tousent 5: Hukuna matata R1: Equilim R2: Fezzdog
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