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About Phantaeon

  • Birthday 07/24/1999

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  • Alias
    Creative Kid
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  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Drawing, designing stories, designing concepts, etc.

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  1. Expect people to do that to you now. Or to me since I wrote this comment. Or to anybody else who comments on this topic.
  2. The EV's thingy may fit better in another topic I started about EV's. but don't make that discourage you from posting the question elsewhere.
  3. Phantaeon


    Ok. So what would be decent to ideal IV's, EV's and Natures for a Protean Greninja that is focusing on type coverage, speed and offense?
  4. Phantaeon


    Yeh. It just saves time from soft resetting.
  5. Wait... Ursaring? How'd you get Teddiursa? I only found it twice and both times it fled,
  6. Phantaeon


    Ok. But what IV's are considered good? I restarted with a Protean Froakie that has IV's going from 10-20 in every stat and a Hasty Nature. Is that considered decent? or plainly awfull?
  7. Uhhh wut?

    1. Felicity


      Wut in da butt

    2. Soysauce


      welcome to our forums.. and to the status bar!

  8. Anybody know where to find Fletchling? even though it says N/A I'm pretty sure it's ingame because I had to fight one for Ducklett.
  9. SUPER-AMAZING-SABLEYE-DIAMOND-SWAG-GLASSES. why? Cuz they're SUPER-AMAZING-SABLEYE-DIAMOND-SWAG-GLASSES. And... maybe Mega-Sableye shield... but mabey. ( Not one of the reg hand holds but the same way Mega-Sableye uses it ).
  10. Oh. didn't know that was there. sorry then.
  11. Wait... Can someone tell me what Pulse thingy actuelly is? I'm very new here. Only beat every Peridot city trainer yesterday and made an account today.
  12. I've browsed the shop for a moment now and theres some cool things. But the thing I love most are the pokemon themed clothing. Too bad there aren't any SUPER-AMAZING-SABLEYE-SWAG-DIAMOND-GLASSES. Cuz no trainer customisation is complete without SUPER-AMAZING-SABLEYE-SWAG-DIAMOND-GLASSES. Why? Cuz they're SUPER-AMAZING-SABLEYE-SWAG-DIAMOND-GLASSES. Anyways what Pokemon themed clothing would you all want? Absol Tail? Gallade Arms? Chesnaught Shield? Aegislash Sword 'n Shield? Tyranitar Axe? Braviary Spear? Shutting up with suggestions? Thanks in advance if SUPER-AMAZING-SABLEYE-SWAG-DIAMOND-GLASSES are added. Also Thanks to Ame ( and everybody that helped her ) for making all of this in the first place.
  13. Pokemon Reborn is made amazingly. But It's AI has a few fails that should be fixed. For example, the street rag that tries to kidnap you Always makes his Venonat use Supersonic when you're not confused. The problem with this is that It kept using Supersonic against my Whismur with Soundproof ( which results in basically it using splash ). AI should be able to note abilities when they've activated. Also my Gothita's Competitive doesn't work. I've had many Growls used on it but not a single Sp.Atk up. Please fix this Ame. Thanks in advance.
  14. Well I recently started and generally got my ass kicked. Until I started using Supersonic-Screech combo on my Noibat and it worked. Same for Tickle on Gothita. Stat moves truly help. But still. Teddiursa? how da fudge can I gets chu to hug meh? ( Found him twice ). Also I heard it has HM's Which seem very unfair. Since you will be needing a good TM using all 6 pokemon. But HM's generally tend to be weak and there is no possibility for a HM slave.
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