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About alaneapen

  • Birthday 02/25/1992

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    Bronx, NY
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  1. What are the solutions to the puzzles in Victory Road? The first puzzle talks about pushing the panels and figuring out each gem's hardness.
  2. I have beaten Sapphira and Terra in Laboradora City and I am still in the arena. Am I supposed to check on the others because I cannot leave yet>
  3. Random message but I like your videos in which you use a trick toom team on Reborn.

    1. DemICE


      sorry my dude that sequence was painful, i dont wanna go through it more times than i have to.

    2. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      I liked them too, but I can't imagine doing myself.

  4. I am aware that I made a topic like this before on Sapphira's gym puzzle. I have defeated most of the Pokémon except for Druddigo, Aerodactyl, and of course activating the battle with Steelix. When I intercepted a Zoraork trying to attack the treasure chest.. Then, I found out by interacting with the chest that the chest will not respond to me and no other Pokémon are coming for the chest; Can someone look into this and see what is the problem. I have uploaded my save file so that someone can help me or even complete the puzzle for me because I am tired of it. Game.rxdata
  5. I forgot which file it was but it was a dl file.
  6. I don't know if this is a puzzle, but can you pit in the solution to solving Sapphira's treasure chest challechallengenege?
  7. I decided to download the new version of Reborn and extracted the file to my Games folder. When I decided to use the updater to install the rest of the game, I realized that a file was missing and the game could not be played. Did I do something wrong?
  8. I have beaten the Zoroark that wanted to attack the chest. Then the chest will not respond and no more Pokémon are coming for the chest. Therefore, if anyone can help me., look into this new save file and see what is wrong. If you can complete the challenge until the Steelix appears. Game.rxdata
  9. I have beaten Manidbuzz, Ambipom. Tyrantrtrum, Blaziken, Charizard, Magneton, and 3 knights with 2 different teams. How can I progress and battle the Zoroark, Druddigon, Aerodactyl and finally the Steelix? I am sttuck facing the same Pokemon so how can I actually advance. What do I have to do?
  10. Does anyone know how to progress through Episode 19's last gym puzzle? It is hard and I need serious help.

  11. I appear to be stuck on Sapphira's gym puzzle. I defeat the same Pokémon over and over again, and when I defeat the knight who has the Altaria, Mawile, and Garchomp, the treasure chest moves and plunges into the lava. What can I do to progress? Game.rxdata
  12. Where can I find the TM for flash if I have already paid for and completed the Reborn city restoration? Is there no way that I can pick up the TM?
  13. Where can I find the soothe bell? I have finished the game,
  14. Your videos helped a lot in my playthrough but i have to figure out how to get past the water in the new version. I hate these rapids
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