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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. I believe he moves on his own. If you have a helix fossil, later in the story you can get tyrunt or amaura fossils.
  2. Will berry planting be fixed in Episode 16 since there is an error that results in Route 1.when I try to plant berries.
  3. Look like a great game. Will it have features like ev checker and also starters like reborn and rejuvenation? Guess I have to play the game to find out.
  4. Does anyoe know where the good rod is in Pokemon Rejuvenation?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      its not a reward but you get it in an area you unlock from the hidden library 2 help quest

    3. ShadowStar
    4. alaneapen


      Found it. Now I can farm heart scales.

  5. Finished Pokemon rejuvenation version7. waiting for version 8.

    1. Zumi


      How was your experience playing it? :]

    2. alaneapen


      found it way easier than version 5.

  6. Finished Pokemon rejuvenation version 7.waitig for version 8.

  7. Looking for a beldum. Can trade a swinub with icicle crasj and ancient power.
  8. So Venam and Melia left me in Amberette town, where do I go next?
  9. restarted pokemon rejuvenation after a while, wow has it been nerfed.

  10. points2shop is awesome

  11. is it against the rules to promote a site or anything else that has worked for you here.

    1. Vinny


      If it requires a payment, or to register before using the website, then yes.

      Otherwise, it isn't again rules the rules.

    2. alaneapen


      I am so glad you clarified this for me, I had experience with a survey site that requires registration and didnt want to get in trouble for it.

  12. Actually found a legit survey site that actually works and gives prizes. wow

  13. You could catch a water pokemon. Corphish would be good if you want a physical water with dark moves, you can find this by rock smashing in apophyll. If you havent, get the mystery egg and see what is inside.
  14. This is amazing. When will the download link be out?
  15. Looks like steel pokemon will come in handy next episode.
  16. Have to take the GRE on the 12th.

  17. Replaying Pokemon Crimson skies

  18. Escavalier or drapion can destroy his team. If he does set up trick room, escavalier is great in this fight.
  19. Since pidgeot is an underrated mega, we could be getting it soon.
  20. Crimson Skies is good but the grinding is too much. The wild pokemon are like 15 levels lower than the boss battles.
  21. Power lens and fight at Azurine island. Glooms give 2 Sp A and quagsires, wooper, shellos, foongus give hp evs.
  22. Conservation Biology has been my dream. Love nature.
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