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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. Is India truly a secular state? I am doing a paper on forest conservations and I am wondering if there are any Hindu precepts enshrined in forest legislation or is it all secular? How can India uphold protecting nature which I guess is important in Hinduism while remaining secular? Just need some info on this.
  2. Has anyone played Pokemon Crimson Skies? It needs hidden abilities abnd iv checker but its good

  3. Hasa anyone played Pokemon Crimson Abilitiez? It needs iv checker and hidden abilities

  4. For a minute there I thought you were referring to the original ECW, Extreme Championship Wrestling.
  5. Does anyone have a location guide for the pokemon and items of Pokemon Crimson skies. The game seems fun but i am disappointed tehre are no hidden abilotes for pokemon.
  6. Awesome. This topic should be pinned once its completed.
  7. Too bad I dont know how to use cheat engine to edit Ivs, but I have a sucker punch pawniard, dd tyrunt and other pokemon that i can breed. Does anyopne have a vullaby or staryu, tenatcool, frilish,
  8. Be sure to get a mysterg egg and see what it is. You may need a strong flying type and a wil ow siper for her strong physical attackers. Cofagrigus is good for that role. Keep persian away from this fight.
  9. welcome to the forums. have fun.
  10. welcome to the forums, have fun.
  11. welcome to reborn friend.
  12. alaneapen


    hey, welcome to reborn.
  13. Mystery egg is a randomized egg (1 in 18 chance) when you give a growlithe egg to the police station at Jasper ward after doing the police officer quest. Ex: pawnaird, drilbur, staryu, tentacool, larvesta, togepi, shroomish etc. Be sure to pick one up and see which randomized egg you get. it might be useful.
  14. A krookadile may be good if he wants both dark and ground stab for radomus and aya.
  15. Can someone trade me a 4-5 iv ditto if this is even possible.
  16. If you can, get the sewaddle and evolve into leavanny so you have a bug/grass type that can handle all of her pokemon. A nuzleaf is good as well.
  17. The metagross may be available before Radomus when you should have fixed the healing station in Aya's gym. You need to heal at aya's healing station and make your way to route 1 and defeat the bouffalant to ride on a tauros. Black out and it will respawn you in Aya's gym. Use the tauros to jump the ledges.
  18. Definitely breed the growlithe for a mystery egg, you might be surprised by what you get. Evee can be found in Mysdia cave before Serra I tink on whindy nights so you can mine for a water stone later.
  19. If you can do rpgmaker with the iv/ev get up that reborn and rejuvenation has, it would be awesome.
  20. Training up a vivillion may be good for facing his team bar solrock and lunatone.
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