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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. I just was interviewed for a wildlife rehabilitation internship this Friday and I am a bit nervous if I might get hired. In a earlier post, I stated that I was pasionate about wildlife and that if I got this internship, it would open so many doors for me as I would work with birds of prey. I think the interview went well and I am praying as well but I still have this fear of being screwed over.
  2. I bet this new field might weaken poison type moves. Probably can't spam sludge wave as much.
  3. Should I breed wild charge and close combat onto growlithe or keep the one with close combat

    1. KingRyan


      breed? /shrug. Best iv's imo.

    2. alaneapen


      My growlithe has a 30 iv for atk, but bad iv for speed. I hope that if I rebreed, I get a better speed iv and for sure keep that atk iv.

  4. I am looking for a larvesta. Can offer togepi, pawniard, shroomish, sneasel, froakie, mudkip, torchic, drilbur, starly and others.
  5. alaneapen


    Revert to episode 12 and follow RodrigoMob suggested chain. Stunky learns toxic, breed with female mankey> male mankey with toxic and level up for seismic toss and breed with female mawile> male mawile with toxic and seismic toss with chansey= chansey with toxic and seismic toss. Voila you have a wall with toxic, seismic toss, soft boiled, refresh/heal bell
  6. I want another opportunity to rob her blind and use her as a pokemon punching bag.
  7. Make sure its windy first when you encounter it in Lapis ward alley. I twill run away and I think make sure its clear when you start hide and seek.
  8. Zorua is in Lapis ward alley where team Aqua is on windy days and at night. He will play hide and seek with you and make sure its clear. So firstw indy to first encounter and clear to find him.
  9. This would be great but if implemented would mostly be endgame after the elite 4 and the main story.
  10. Will there ever be a giga drain, hyper voice, knock off, elemental punch tutor available in game.
  11. Karrablast is in the grass before Spinel Town and grass around Laura's house.
  12. I am looking for larvesta,axew, 4-5 IV ditto, staryu, frillish and tentacool. I have shroomish, togepi, gastly, froakie, mudkip, bulbasaur and torhcic. Does anyone have these pokemon.
  13. alaneapen

    Lucky egg

    If you switch to the previous episode and also do the Spinel town quest, you can get two Exp Shares.
  14. You need to have done the gang quest first, have eight badges after defeating Radomus and they should tell you where it is. Its in the upper left most part of Lapis ward and there is a elevator that will take you to 7th street.
  15. Haapy 4th of July!

  16. alaneapen


    You need to take soul candle and interact with the star thingy in 7th street in Beryl ward.
  17. Wish I had a job while I figure out what to do with my life.

    1. Peepeepoopoo


      Don't wish, go out and get one.

  18. Name: Alan Eapen Age: 23 Birthday: February 25, 1992 Location: Bronx, NY, USA Height: 5'10" Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown Live With: Mother , stepfather, sister Pets?: No Relationships?: No Crushes lately?: Girl in my church.. Dream Job: Conservation Biologist/ Environmental Biologist Currently Playing: Pokemon Reborn Favourite Food: Burgers Favourite Drink: Coca Cola Favourite Color: Red Favourite kind of Music: Rock Favourite Band: Twelve Stones Favourite Album: Don't really know Favourite Game: Pokemon Favourite Genre of Game: RPG Favourite Hobbies: Reading Favourite Movies: too many to count. Favourite Shows: Avatar the Last Airbender
  19. Would one be able to build a Pixilate Sylveon set using Smeargle. Sketch Hyper Voice, Calm mind, Psyshock and Wish with male Smeargle and breed with female eevee.
  20. He can buy them from Agate Circus as well.
  21. Are there any specific items we can farm from pokemon. Heart scales from Luvdisc and Black Sludge from Trubbish, etc.
  22. If you can go back to Reborn city, pick up a lotad and evolve it to ludicolo. You may need a defensive pokemon to tank hits from garchomp or maybe use a special attacking ice pokemon.
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