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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. I am thinking of breeding/training some defensive pokemon like Quagsire, Amoongus, Gourgeist, Treveneant, etc. What are some good sets and evs that I should use. I know one set is the Quagsire unware build with scald, eq, toxic and recover.
  2. I graduated from City College of New York with a 2.76 gpa of years of messing up on 2 biology classes, physics and chemistry. I am so passionate about conservation biology and wildlife. After graduating, I got accepted to do a virtual Conservation writer internship, just turning in my first draft of a paper on Forest Conservation in India. I know my gpa is crap but it has increased after realizing my love for Wildlife conservation and the environment. Worse off my mom wants me to pursue a career in the medical field like Physicians Assistant or Physical Therapy. I really want to pursue a Masters of Science in Conservation Biology. Sadly, I think my abysmal gpa makes both unattainable. Am I screwed for life. Will I be a bum forever,
  3. Starting to watch Legend of Korra after finishing Avatar : The Last Airbender. Deearly misses AAng

    1. Simon


      Hopefully you weren't spoiled about the ending. You should the enjoy the series :]

      Also, inb4 Jan posts something in here.

  4. Unrelated but how did you farm nuggets. I know you can using Pickup, but did you Frisk a specific Pokémon for it?
  5. Use Golurk instead of Zebstrika and if you can, pick up a Drapion or Escavalier. Both can be beneficial for the Radomus battle.
  6. If one were to do a duo run, would subtypes be allowed. Lets say a Ghost/Dark duo run and use of honckrow or greninja for dark and gengar for ghost.
  7. I think Shroomish can be found in Azurine Island using Episode 9 and its rare. Thanks for the upload, was going to get traded a mystery egg Shroomish anyway.
  8. Breeding tm moves via episode 12. Any requests?

  9. Happy birthday! You are never too old for pokemon.
  10. Does anyone have a shroomish. I have gastly, froakie, torchic, bulbasaur, togepi to trade for it.
  11. Welcome to Reborn. Have fun.
  12. alaneapen


    I have a Jynx with Dry Skin but never got around to breeding Nasty plot on it. It is quite good but it needs that boosting move.
  13. The Daycare opens after you beat Marianette.
  14. I slaved for hours to train beyond the level limit and pick up a sun stone. It was worth it.
  15. I have two runs of Rejuvenation that I did for v5. My first team consisted of Infernape, Mamoswine, Greninja, Ampharos, Granbull and Roserade. My second curremt run has Torterra, Houndoom, Greninja, Granbull, Heliolisk and Honchkrow. Which one save should I keep for version 6.
  16. The struggle to voltorb flip for 10000 coins then grind it to lv 49 before the 4th gym and also pickup grind for a sunstone. It was so worth it.

    1. alaneapen


      I am talking about heliolisk.

    2. Shing


      I know the feeling.

      You overbecome the hard challenge in this game. I'm proud of you.

  17. Haryiyama is so good in Rejuvenation. So bulky

    1. Shing


      I'm proud of you.

      You used the power of hariyama. Hariyama race ftw.

    2. Peepeepoopoo


      Exactly why Makuhita is being removed from Sheridan Village in V6.

    3. Shing




  18. Trying to pikcup grind for a sun stone in Rejuvenation.

  19. So I am on a library computer and their internet is so bad, proxy server fails and I end up double posting. Sorry guys.

    1. Vinny


      ssh it's okay i gotchu

  20. Is pick up the only way to get a sun stone before gym 3.
  21. alaneapen


    Apparently Yash will have his hands full when he comes back. So many people want those mystery eggs.
  22. Double post fail. Sorry mods, can you lock one of my threads. Didn't realize my internet failed and I posted twice.
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