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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. Would fake out make a truant Pokémon waste a turn and loaf around. Planning on using hariyama vs slaking in my second run.
  2. 1. Grotle 2. Murkrow 3. Helioptile 4. Snubull 5. Shadow Froakie 6. Litleo- will replace with houndour 7. Nidorino I am thinking of catching a scatterbug from Route 1 before Venam and training it to lvl 17 for psybeam. Would this be a good team before the 1st gym.
  3. Helioptile/Heliolisk can workfor Valerie but it would need to be leveled down from lv 49.
  4. Tried to use it and still isn't accurate.
  5. What is the best way of getting a lot of coins. I am working on getting 10,00 coins for a helipotile but I cant get past lvl 4 of voltorb flip.
  6. Would be blaziken or mamoswine.
  7. alaneapen


    Unless croagunk has a decent dark move to use, I say replace him but growlithe seems like your weakest choice. Houdoom will put in work here so keep him.
  8. Welcome to reborn! Enjoy your stay.
  9. Yash actually can help us trade in Reborn. He does something with both our save files and our pokemon get traded.
  10. Paralysis support with magnezone would be ideal with this fight for those faster pokemon.
  11. I am looking for those mystery egg pokemon besides azurill. I do have a swords dance torchic, aqua jet marill, sucker punch pawniards, gastly or anythings else I can breed for them.
  12. alaneapen


    It probably should be for players that reached a certain point in the game. Yash does the trading for Reborn so can he do the same for Rejuvenation.
  13. I am so jealous about those mystery eggs. I so want them all.
  14. Gastly was removed and replaced with misdreavus but I can breed a gastly if you want one.
  15. Hey can you breed me one too, I have a pawniard, a torchic, marill etc with your name on it.
  16. Since I can't get new mystery eggs, wouldn't it be possible to breed a few marills with aqua jet for those pokemon.
  17. Nyu is great for honey. Give him candy or ice cream and he will both heal your pokemon and give you honey.
  18. Are the shard teams in Agate circus ev trained? It seems that the damage output from them is greater than non ev trained teams.
  19. You should watch the forecast on TV according to the forecast. You can change your date a week back and go o Opal Ward.
  20. Welcome to Reborn. Welcome to madness.
  21. I am looking to breed a few Bulbasaurs. Should I go offensive and breed sludge bob and giga drain via episode 12 or do a defensive set with leech seed and synthesis,
  22. If you guys don't want to spend crap loads of money for Blue Moon Ice cream, train a pickup team to lv 70ish, Blue Moon Ice cream will be rare but yyou will get loads of other stuff as well.
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