1. Grotle
2. Murkrow
3. Helioptile
4. Snubull
5. Shadow Froakie
6. Litleo- will replace with houndour
7. Nidorino
I am thinking of catching a scatterbug from Route 1 before Venam and training it to lvl 17 for psybeam. Would this be a good team before the 1st gym.
Unless croagunk has a decent dark move to use, I say replace him but growlithe seems like your weakest choice. Houdoom will put in work here so keep him.
I am looking for those mystery egg pokemon besides azurill. I do have a swords dance torchic, aqua jet marill, sucker punch pawniards, gastly or anythings else I can breed for them.
I am looking to breed a few Bulbasaurs. Should I go offensive and breed sludge bob and giga drain via episode 12 or do a defensive set with leech seed and synthesis,
If you guys don't want to spend crap loads of money for Blue Moon Ice cream, train a pickup team to lv 70ish, Blue Moon Ice cream will be rare but yyou will get loads of other stuff as well.