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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. Would I be able to use Amara's pc to exchange pokemon. My hm slave wailord would be dead weight in the mansion battles.
  2. Magnezone is the mvp. Just putting it out there

    1. Jacobliterator


      Magnezone is too awesome!

  3. So basically my magnezone was actually the only reliable Pokemon that could have walled it. Thankful for choosing that Pokemon.
  4. Explains why the sludge wave ohkoed my Mamoswine. Reset after that realization.
  5. My Magnezone annihilated that Pulse Swalot. Got a charge beam boost and killed it next turn with that analytic factory boost discharge.
  6. What typing is the Pulse Swalot and is it more physically defensive. I took it down with my Magnezone, analytic and the factory boost powering up my charge beam, getting the sp atk boost. And analytic and factory boost +1 discharge destroyed it.
  7. No you only need one mirror. I chose the mega file link.
  8. damn that Swalot is bulky as hell when you fought it and basically the sludge wave does water type damage as well. So I basically charge beamed it with my magnezone and got the sp atk boost. Next analytic + factory boost discharge basically destroyed it.
  9. I just started Episode 15 and reading this is great. I am trying to guess which mega ciel uses and I hope it doesn't have a tutor move (cough heat wave cough)/
  10. I am confused on what to do. I am barely in the 2nd room that we entered in and its just Titania sitting there doing nothing. There seems to be nothing I can do. Edt: I am a moron, saw the puzzle guide.
  11. Does anyone know where the storyline continues, In Calcenon or The Agate Circus? Everything seems the same.
  12. alaneapen


    You would need to turn all pillars red, talk to Kiki's grave stone and there is a cave entrance somewhere there in which you need strength.
  13. Would it be possible to revert back to get Bulbasaur and also get Chikorita from Azurine Island.
  14. What ev spread should Swampert have considering there is no Swampertite nega stone and ice punch tutors.
  15. Are these three Pokemon good without being bred. They learn most of their moves for their sets by level up. Planning on doing a bulk up set with Gogoat, physical tank with Chesnaught and special defensive wil o wisp leech seeder with Trevenant.
  16. No, unfortunately until after the Kristilline Help center, there is no other way.
  17. Charlotte does carry some grass moves so be careful when choosing a water type to send out against her.
  18. But be sure to back up your file every now and then with dropbox so you can avoid situations like this next time. It really does suck that prufiyied moves cant be retaught.
  19. The garden inside the hotel is better for special tanks while the breeder inside the boat at Terajuma is great for physical tanks since there is both Audino and Excadrill. Granted you need something to absorb the speed evs.
  20. Is the chance of finding heart scales on Luvdisc lower in Rejuvenation like Reborn?
  21. chimchar and catch the shadow froakie as well.
  22. Remember in Pokemon Fire Red when we got a sticker from basically defeating the elite 4 or hatching an egg. What if we got stickers that gave the player a bonus feature such as reducing hatch time or increasing chnaces for better IVs.
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